By John P. Wall, M. D.
(Reprinted from the Florida Times Union)
Florida State Library
Pg. 1/Column 1
By John P. Wall, M. D.
(Reprinted from the Florida Times Union)
Since the appearance of the yellow fever in
Tampa, I have noticed much in the Times-
Union, more or less reflecting upon me,
for having advised the people of Tampa to
get away from the place and thus escape the
fever. The authors of these criticisms have
shown themselves such ignoramuses – and
among them are some of your editorial staff
that I would hardly deign to notice them
but for the hope that it may prove of some
benefit in the future.
Yellow fever is one of the few diseases of
which little is positively and definitely
known as to its cause, nature (in a patha-
logical sense) and exact mode of propagation.
For at least a century, all these points have
been discussed: and whether we know much
more about them now than did our progeny-
tors of the last century is extremely prob-
lematical, as the literature of the disease
abundantly proves. Medical opinion has
been divided as to its origin, transmissibil-
ity and contagiousness from its first inva-
sion of the shores of North America.
It is generally conceded now, however,
that it is a xymotic disease, and that if it
does not have its origin on our shores in
filth, at least the latter is an essential factor to
the generation and propagation of its infect-
ing germs, or morbitic agent – the poison
that produces the disease. Why it should
take on a comparatively mild type in certain
seasons and manifest no marked disposition
to spread at times is another of its problems
for which we cannot account at the present
The few facts that we do know about yel-
low fever are that it is a disease attended
with a considerable mortality, ranging from
10 to 75 per cent.; and that the atmosphere
of the city where it is prevailing sooner or
later becomes infected – poisoned with its
morbific agent; and that those susceptible
to the disease, i.e., not being acclimated, or
protected by a previous attack, will in all
probability take the disease. Experience has
taught us this much, at least.
Yellow fever, then, being a xymotic dis-
ease – having its origin probably in the filth
of the slave ship – the necessity and import-
tance of sanitation – to keep air, water and
Column 2
soil clean and pure, become too obvious to
the ordinary mind to require any arguments
to demonstrate.
The Technical Commission of the Inter-
national Conference of Rome (1885) says:
“The measures recommended against
cholera are, in general, applicable to yellow
fever and to other diseases of this class are: the sani-
tary improvement of cities and of vessels
sailing from infected ports, isolation of the sic,
and disinfection of infected or suspect-
ed articles and localities.”
If, then, the same sanitary prophylaxis
for cholera is good for yellow fever, why is
not the doctrine and practice of England in
regard to cholera applicable here to yellow
fever? Instead of a quarantine of detention,
except as to the sick, the English pursue the
following enlightened and common sense
plan, as set forth in an editorial in the
London Lancet of the 20 th of last August:
“All sick of cholera or diarrhea are dealt
with and isolated at our ports; but the
healthy are not herded with the sick, as is
done under quarantine. They (the healthy
are allowed to go where they will, provided
they submit to proper supervision, by giving
the address of the destination to which
they are traveling. These precautions form,
however, only the fringe of our system of
prevention. Our population, knowing that
the Government will no longer pretend to’
guarantee any measure of safety by drawing
a quarantine around the country, have of
their own free will set themselves to remove
from their midst those conditions under
which imported cholera can alone spread;
and, according to Dr. Thorne, they have,
apart from all Government dictation, spent
during the past ten years, byway of loan or
in current expenditure, over eighty millions
sterling for purposes mainly of a sanitary
character. When quarantining countries
can give evidence of their alternative sys-
tem by submitting to any such expenditure,
then it will be time enough for them to urge
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That their system merits further considera-
tion at our hands. Up to this present time,
and this even in the Red Sea, which is looked
upon as the gateway by which cholera may
at any time enter Europe, the quarantine
stations are not even provided with the
common decencies of life.
“Since our system of medical inspection
came into operation it has gone hand-in-
hand with a steady sanitary progress far ex-
ceeding anything to be met with in those
European countries where the inhabitants
are led to believe that quarantine restric-
tions will be imposed for their protection in
times of danger; it has been accom-
panied by a great diminution of mor-
tality, and it has spared the inhabitants
of this country from an untold amount of
misery and destitution, which ‘is the more
burdensome because it follows in the track
of preventable disease and death.’ That our
system is complete we do not for a moment
pretend, and we would make no boast of
the fact that imported cholera has on each
occasion, for many years past, been at once
checked in this country; but we do hold
that the experience of the past few years has
once again indicated the uselessness of
quarantine and the great advantages of the
system we have substitute for it. Quaran-
tine has a blighting effect on sanitary pro-
gress; it leaves the people unprepared to
face a disease which disregards the antiquat-
ed barriers which nations have opposed to
its extension, and so it prepares the way for
panic. On the other hand, the steady pro-
gress of true measures of prevention tell us
to impart that feeling of confidence which is
of such value in the face of an impending
epidemic, and at the same time it promotes
the healthiness and well-being of the popu-
In the same article the editor points out
that Spain, France, Italy and Algeria, rely-
ing on quarantine for protection, have suf-
fered from the ravages of cholera during the
European epidemic of 1884-87.
In the New York medical Record of the 29 th
ult. we find the following editorial article:
“ England’s commercial interests have al-
ways led her to doubt the need and distrust
the efficacy of quarantine. She has held
what she is pleased to consider the ‘common
sense view,’ viz: that , though theoretically
quarantine may succeed in keeping out
disease, practically, in any large count-
try, it amounts simply to an irrational
derangement of commerce. England
has long since, says the British Medical
Journal, discarded quarantine as a means of
preventing cholera, and now places her
trust in the security afforded by purity of
local surroundings – of soil, air and water
on land’ and a system of watchful medical
inspection at her seaports. The success of
this policy, continues our contemporary, has
been complete, and there are not wanting
indications that this success is exercising a
beneficial effect on public opinion abroad.
It is added that at the recent International
Hygienic Congress, at Vienna, opinion seemed
to be turning against quarantine. Italy and
Austria, in particular, are wavering in their
allegiance to the older methods.”
Column 2
If, then, a quarantine of detention for
Cholera has proven to be useless, it is cer-
tainly much more senseless for the preven-
tion of yellow fever. And on this point –
the detention of persons – let us quote some
of our latest text books on the practice of
Flint, in his edition of 1884, page 1026,
“Measures for the prevention of yellow
fever relate, 1 st, to the removal of local con-
ditions which favor the multiplication of
the disease-germs, 2d, to quarantine regula-
tions, and 3d, to disinfection. The first of
these three divisions embrace all that per-
tains to public and private hygiene. The
local conditions especially important as
auxiliary causes are unknown, and, there-
fore it can only be hoped that they will be
reached by rendering sanitary measures as
complete as practicable. But, be these
measures never so complete, they do not
make superfluous those of quarantine and
disinfection. The object of quarantine reg-
ulations is that the disease-germs shall not
be imported. To effect this object, either
there must be non-intercourse with places in
which the disease prevails, or all articles of
merchandise, clothing, etc., brought there-
from must be thoroughly disinfected. To
be efficient, quarantine regulations must in-
clued, not only vessels from infected ports,
but inland transportation by railroads and
other conveyances. There is no danger of
the disease being carried by the living body
after disinfection of the wearing apparel,
nor by the bodies of the dead. Detention of
the well or the sick is, therefore, a needless pre-
caution, except to prevent groundless popu-
lar apprehension. (Italics mine.) If impor-
tation of germs have taken place, the houses
with their surroundings in which cases
occur, should be instantly and completely
disinfected. The object now is to ‘stamp
out’ the disease. There is ground for the
belief that this object may be effected if
measures of disinfection be promptly and
thoroughly carried out.
“During the prevalence of an epidemic,
unacclimated persons should avoid going
within the infected areas, except under a
sense of duty, and they who are already with-
in the areas should leave it, unless there are
motives fro remaining which render the
risk of life justifiable and praiseworthy.”
Bartholow in his work on practice, says:
“A germ or germs are introduced. Ac-
cumulated filth, decomposing animal or
vegetable matters, bad or no drainage,
crowding and other hygienic evils are in-
dispensable to impart the necessary vitality.
Lodging thus in a suitable soil and with the
appropriate atmospherical conditions present
the disease grow and infect those in
the proper personal state to receive the
poison. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It is not by personal contact that the dis-
ease is communicated – in other words, it is
not a contagious, but an infectious disease,
and it is not against individuals that
quarantine restrictions should be enforced,
but against articles of clothing, bedding or
the like or against all fomites.”
Again, in the Lamb Prize Essay, for the
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American Public Health Association, 1886,
on disinfection and individual prophylaxis
against infectious diseases, by Dr. Sternberg,
Surgeon United States Army, we find the
following on yellow fever.
“This disease, like cholera, is contracted
in infected localities, rather than by contact
with the sick. Indeed, it is rarely, if ever,
communicated directly by a sick person to
his attendants. In infected places the poison
seems to be given off from the soil, or from
collections of decomposing organic matter,
and we have no definite evidence that it is
communicated through the medium of food
or drinking water (as is the case with chol-
era.—W.) The history of epidemics of this
disease shows that when it obtains a lodg-
ment in a city or town which is an unsani-
tary condition, in southern latitudes and
during the summer months, it extends its
area and invades new localities similarly sit-
uated, until frost occurs, or at least until the
weather becomes comparatively cool in the
autumn. Those who remain in an infected
area, unless protected by a previous attack,
are almost certain to contract the disease,
and much less can be done in the way of in-
dividual prophylexis than in cholera. We
therefore advise all who can get out of the
way of this fatal disease to do so. * * * *
* * * This being the case, we repeat
our advice to all those whose duty does not
require them to stay on the field of batter,
to make an orderly retreat to some place of
If such is the teaching of science, will
Medical men on county boards of health
please tell the public how much sense there
is in their fifteen days’ quarantine of indi-
viduals? Are they mere puppets of panic-
stricken communities, and by being thus,
prostitute science and professional propriety
to magnify their importance in the popular
estimation? Do they think it a light and
trivial thing to interrupt and prostrate all
business and bankrupt common carriers be-
cause these foolish measures of quarantine
are applauded by some scared editor who
has aroused by his ill-timed effusions on a
subject of which he knows but little, if any-
thing, a groundless popular apprehension?
Does it not occur to them that they are ex-
hibiting themselves to their professional
brethren who read and think, as being either
ignorant or dishonorable? Has it never oc-
curred to them that they are playing the role
of quacks and charlatans? Much would I
prefer to be shunned by the ignorant than
thus to sacrifice truth and science to the
clamor of a senseless scare, and forfeit my
own self-respect.
If, as is pretty well established, yellow
fever is not a contagious disease, and there
is no danger from the well, sick or dead,
from the infected locality – barring the
clothing and other effects – how is this thing
of confining a people to an infected locality
to be justified? Do they expect them to
remain and die like dumb brutes? If they
do, they are fools as well as inhuman mon-
sters. I told the people of Tampa that we
had yellow fever here, and advised them to
get out. I did this deliberately, and to pre-
vent reports being spread, I got the tele-
graph operators to refuse to receive any mes-
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sages that would give the alarm to the out-
side world until I could give the people a
chance to get away. I know, Mr. editor,
that I was not endangering the lives of 250,-
000 people of the State as you charged, be-
cause I knew that the infection was only
here, and did not extend all over the State.
I was guided by the teachings of science,
and actuated by humanity and common
sense in my proceedings. The result has
vindicated my course and prevented an in-
crease of calamity that would, in all proba-
bility, have amounted to a holocaust in
sacrifice to life, to say nothing of the in-
creased suffering that would have naturally
resulted. I have nothing but the profound-
est contempt for the nincompoop M. Ds. and
pseudonymous liars of the “Viator” stripe
who write about fifteen days’ incubation and
a State Board of Health, and took occasion
to maliciously misrepresent me at a time
when I had neither time nor opportunity to
defend myself. The charge made by the
T imes-Union and “Viator” that I said I
would guarantee that “no yellow fever got
into Tampa,” is false in toto. When that
“M. D.” quoted Flint about the fifteen days’
incubation, why did he not quote him cor-
rectly? and why did he leave out what I have
quoted from the same author on quarantine?
Do you think that was either gentlemanly or
It is just such nincompoops as he who
impose false ideas upon the people, and ex-
cite groundless apprehensions of danger.
As for railroad quarantine, it is an absurd-
ity, and the disinfection practiced with sul-
phur at the quarantine station, was bout as
efficient as so much ordinary smoke. Yet, it
met the approval, according to their report,
of two or three of your Jacksonville physic-
cians, who reported that the fumigation at
Dr. Caldwell’s camp was satisfactory, and
was of two or four hours’ duration, I am not
certain which. Now, in the article on Dis-
infection, in Vol. 2, Reference handbook of
the Medical Sciences, by Dr. Sternberg (pre-
viously quoted), page 480, can be found this:
“Fumigation with sulphur dioxide has
been largely relied on for the disinfection of
clothing. To be effectual, the articles to be
disinfected must be freely exposed to its ac-
tion, in a well closed chamber, for a period
of at least twelve hours. Burn three pounds
of sulphur for each thousand cubic feet of
air space in the room.”
And, besides, it is only efficient for micro-
organisms in the absence of spores, being
quite impotent for the destruction of these
reproductive elements. Now, do they know
anything about the micro-organisms and
spores of yellow fever? and whether or not
these spores—the reproductive elements—
pertain to the yellow fever poison? And as
for the closeness of the fumigating chamber,
if it was the one I saw, it was wholly lacking,
and failed to confine the fumes of the sul-
phur, which were escaping in a manner to
remind one very much of a country smoke-
house in the bacon-curing season. And yet
this was satisfactory to the sanitarians and
hygienists of Duval county!
In the North Carolina Medical Journal of
November, 1878, Dr. R. A., Kinloch, of Charles-
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ton, S. C., published an able article on “In-
land Quarantine,” from which I make the
following extracts:
“Can it be claimed that any ‘cordon sani-
taire’ has ever kept out cholera or yellow
fever when these diseases appear in an epi-
demic form? Has it ever prevented the ex-
tension of yellow fever from our seaport
towns into the interior? In years gone by,
and before we were as proud as we are now
of our scientific knowledge, we never enter-
tained the hope of land quarantine prevent-
ing the spread of the disease. And its dif-
fusion, or march into the interior, with rare
exceptions, never took place. In recent
times the boasted sanitarians have so im-
pressed the people with their importance
that much is now expected. Hence incon-
veniences, privations and sufferings have
followed, in a most alarming degree, the
futile attempt to carry out a supposed prin-
ciple in hygienic law. Upon a mere as-
sumption of the knowledge of the laws of a
disease (a knowledge possessed, as we said
above, no more now than it was a hundred
years ago), the most arbitrary regulations
have been attempted. People flying from a
stricken city have been driven back to die.
Refugees from a pestilence have been hunt-
ed down, and, upon the possibility of their
introducing disease (after they had already
been the carriers of the poison, if such thing
were possible,) have been shipped to the
nearest sister city, who in turn was expected
to protect herself. This selfish, arbitrary
and unreasonable action was practiced by
cities hundreds of miles away from the in-
fected regions, and in Northern as well as
Southern latitudes. The law of self-preser-
vation, as interpreted in other times, con-
tained no provision for a brother’s welfare.
We regret to say that in but few instances
has even a protest against this rule of con-
duct gone forth from the profession. The
people naturally cling to their superstitions.
They possessed but small capability of dis-
tinguishing between a real and an imaginary
danger. They were without that enlighten-
ment which should have reached them
through the profession, and they were ready
to reject the lessons of facts. Thus it was
that the futile scheme most generally con-
sisted in the attempted exclusion of persons.
While this action for the most part pertained
to municipalities, or improperly constituted
health boards, it at times received the sanc-
tion and support of regular health officers in
good repute.”
The late Dr. J. M. Wood worth, Supervis-
ing Surgeon-General of the Marine Hospital
Bureau, expressed the belief that absolute
quarantine by land is impracticable.
“It may be argued,” continues Dr. Kin-
loch, “that it is necessary to calm the public
mind, and that upon this ground quarantine
serves a useful purpose. We question if
public quietude is not thus often obtained
at too high a cost, and if the reaction, that
sooner or later must follow with the realiza-
tion of the truth, is not the evil the more to
be dreaded? We cannot, however, now dis-
cuss this point, but will parenthetically ex-
press our earnest conviction that truth is
ever the best policy, and should be diffused
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Everywhere under an enlightened and pro-
gressive medicine.
“With the vulgar, the question of exclud-
ing disease from communities is a simple
one, and their faith in the potency of human
power and scientific application of means is
stronger than it can be with our enlightened
profession. Quarantine and sanitation are
now, with the people, veritable supersti-
tions. They are worshipped and implicitly
relied upon. There are many, too, in the
profession equally credulous in this regard,
and some, though sufficiently informed,
culpable enough to encourage the vulgar
delusion, with the view, perhaps, of magni-
fying their own office.”
Much more might be adduced to show the
absurdity of inland quarantine if time and
space permitted, but I shall wait till after
frost to prove its futility in the present epi-
demic, when probably some more M. Ds.
will feel cheap as they may be surprised.
This is the first season that I have had any
experience with a County Health Board, and
I am so disgusted with its workings that it
will be my last. I have no hesitancy in de-
nouncing them as a curse to the State, and
trust that among the first acts of the next
Legislature will be the repeal of the statute
creating them. For funds they are made de-
pendent on the County Commissioners, and
are expected, without remuneration, except
in the way of abuse, to protect the public
health. Nor do I have any faith in a State
Board of health being able to accomplish
any more in preventing the introduction and
spread of epidemic diseases; and am fully
convinced that, as a member of the Constitu-
tional Convention of 1865, I made a mistake
in using my efforts to get a provision in the
Constitution providing for a State Board of
Health. Capable medical men cannot be
Expected to use their knowledge and give
their time to the public for nothing, while
incapable men would prove a blight and curse
to the commercial and industrial prosperity
of the State. So the best thing for the State
is to let her population know that they must
protect themselves after the English fashion
by removing from their midst those causes
which would give epidemic diseases a foot-
hold if introduced. Provision for medical
inspection at seaports, and the detention
and isolation of the sick with infectious and
contagious diseases, is all the quarantine
that a State law should provide for or per-
mit on the part of any seaport city or town.
Of course this should include disinfection
where necessary. Beyond this neither
State, county nor municipal law should ex-
tend; for, as already pointed out, reliance
on quarantine has a blighting effect on sani-
tary progress, which is our only hope for
the future health and prosperity of the
In conclusion I may say that the fever did
not get in here through the Plant Line of
steamers, but was evidently smuggled in by
a small boat engage in contraband trade,
which, it seems, eluded the Custom house
officials as well as the quarantine authorit-
ties. The first cases occurred during my
absence from the State, and were among
Italians and fruit dealers, who were
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doubtless the confederates of the smugglers
and receivers of the goods. This was evi-
dently the avenue by which the fever was
introduced in the character of fomites, as I
expect to be able to conclusively prove at
the proper time. The sanitary condition of
the city afforded a suitable soil for the lodge-
ment and propagation of the infectious
poison, and the result the world knows. It
is true that the city authorities disregarded
my warnings as to the neglected sanitary
condition of the city, and seemed to be in-
spired with a spirit of antagonism to me per-
sonally. Why this was so I leave to them to
explain if they can; and if the result has
been pleasing to them and the people of
Tampa, they are welcome to all the enjoy-
ment it affords.
I was absent from Tampa from the 2d to
the 25 th of September, and, from what has
since come to my knowledge. I presume
the first cases must have made their appear-
ance about the middle of September – in res-
idents and not in persons who had come
from either Key West or Havana. How-
ever, I was home but a few days before my
suspicions were aroused as to the presence of
yellow fever in the city, but these were not
confirmed till the first of the following
week, October 3d and 4 th. On the 22 nd of
September a case was reported, but the
physicians who saw it denied its being yel-
low fever. This was three days before my
return. I know now that if I had seen cer-
tain cases to which my attention was called
on the day I announced its presence to
the public, I should have been able to de-
clare its presence at least six days earlier
than I did.
However, the diagnosis of yellow fever is
not the easy thing that some suppose, nor
does a post mortem always demonstrate
the true character of the disease, as some doc-
tors believe. In 1870 the disease prevailed
on Governor’s Island a month before it was
recognized even by the Health Board of
New York who stated that “post mortem
examinations upon the bodies gave satisfac-
tory evidence that the disease was not yellow
fever.” But it was proved to be yellow fever
when seen by a medical man familiar with the
disease. There were 159 cases with 52 deaths.
But yet a whole month passed before the
true character of the disease was recognized
on an island in New York Harbor within
rifle shot of Castle Garden. Strange to say
there were a few cases in the city, but the
epidemic on the island did not extend to the
city. (N.Y. Medical Record for 1870 and
1871.) “The late Dr. Warren Stone, of New
Orleans, very justly remarked that when he
had seen one epidemic of yellow fever he
thought he knew all about it, but after see-
ing twenty epidemics he discovered that he
knew nothing about it.” Such was the lan-
guage of the late Dr. J.C. Nott, who gave it
as an illustration of how little really was
known of the disease by those who had had a
life-time opportunity, as it were, to study it.
The mortality here has been about 17 per
cent , among the whites, and hardly one per
cent, amount the blacks. There have been
up to date, 26 th of November, 72 deaths from
the fever, only 2 o which were colored –
one mulatto and one full blooded African.
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The exact number of cases in Tampa and
vicinity is not known, as all were not re-
ported, and some were so mild as not to re-
quire the services of a physician; but I
should estimate the number at about 400
whites and possibly 200 negroes. Among
the latter the cases were, as a rule, of mild
type. Not an old resident who had had the
fever in previous epidemic in Tampa, had
it this time; nor did any one suffer from a
second attack during the epidemic. The
whole adult Cuban population was acclimate-
ed and escaped. Nor does this immunity
conferred by one attack of the disease, de-
pend on the severity of the attack – a mild
attack being as protective as a severe one.
With children it is generally mild – the
younger the child the milder the fever – so
that is a great mistake to remove small
children beyond the infection if it is expect-
ed the place where it is epidemic or any oth-
er Southern city, is to be their homes, i.e.,
provided the parents are acclimated so as to
run no risk themselves.
There is another prevalent idea, enter-
tained, too, by some very competent men,
the erroneousness of which I desire to point
out; and that is in case of an epidemic appear-
ing in a city, all that is necessary is to re-
move the unacclimated into camps some dis-
tance in the country. This is impracticable
in the first place, because of the lack of con-
veniences in the shape of houses or even
tents for the protection of the people from
the inclemencies of the weather, and in the
second place, even if such camp was estab-
lished, communication with the infected
place for some time at least, would from the
very nature of things, be kept up, so that
the infection would be sure to invade the
camp before arrangements for getting sup-
plies and other necessaries from uninfected
places could be made. In this way the fever
was carried out into families several miles
from here into the country during the pres-
ent epidemic. According to Dr. J. C. Nott,
who moved his family from Mobile into the
piney woods seven miles from the city, in
1856, even before the fever reached Mobile
from New Orleans, the fever followed his
family out of the city and he lost four of his
children. (N. Y. Medical Record, 1871.)
But there are other things which render
this camp business wholly impractical:
1 st, getting the people to leave their homes
when there are so many medical ignora-
muses and wiseacres who will sear to the
last that it is not yellow fever; and 2d, the
impossibility of keeping hem there if they
should feel disposed to have communication
with the infected area. It is very easy for
theorists and inexperienced people to say
what ought or should be done, but carry-
ing out their suggestions is altogether a very
different thing, unless one was an autocrat
with a standing army toe execute his orders.
It is one thing to preach, and another to
practice. And it is for this reason that a
State Board of Health would be as literally
helpless in controlling the spread of an epi-
demic as any other authority now existing.
The success of the National Board in 1879
was not encouraging and proved a failure.
John P. Wall, M.D.
November 28th.