JJ. Daniel, President; P. McQuaid, Vice-President; Dr. J.C. L’Engle, Treasure; Chas. S. Adams, Secretary; Jas. M. Fairlie, Cor. Secretary.
Executive Committee:
J.J. Daniel.
P. McQuaid.
J.M. Schumacher.
Dr. J.C. L’Engle.
C.G. Elliott.
P.E. McMurray.
W.A. McDuff.
Office of
Jacksonville Auxiliary Sanitary Association,
16 ½ West Bay Street.
P.O. Box 749. Telephone 108.
Jacksonville, Fla. Oct. 17, 1888.
Joseph Y. Porter, H. D.,
Surgeon in Charge Government Relief Measures,
My dear Sir :-
Your favor of IIth inst., with accompanying copies of
letter of instructions to Dr. Dem. Echemendia, Chief of the Disinfect-
ing and Fumigating Staff, and copy of rules and regulations relating
to the subject of disinfection and fumigation, has been duly received,
and have had careful consideration by the Executive Committee of the
Jacksonville Auxiliary Sanitary Association to-day, and believing that
you desire an expression of their opinions thereon, I am directed to
communicate to you their views, and at the same time express their
confidence in your judgment and ability to devise and execute such
measures as will exterminate the germs of disease in this city and
prevent a visitation of this terrible scourge another season.
As you already know, the transfer of Dr. Dem. Echemendia
and his staff, and placing the disinfecting and fumigating of the houses
where yellow fever has occurred, to the Marine Hospital Services, was
advocates and approved by this Committee.
Rules 1, 2 and 3 we fully concur in.
JJ. Daniel, President; P. McQuaid, Vice-President; Dr. J.C. L’Engle, Treasure; Chas. S. Adams, Secretary; Jas. M. Fairlie, Cor. Secretary.
Executive Committee:
J.J. Daniel.
P. McQuaid.
J.M. Schumacher.
Dr. J.C. L’Engle.
C.G. Elliott.
P.E. McMurray.
W.A. McDuff.
Office of
Jacksonville Auxiliary Sanitary Association,
16 ½ West Bay Street.
P.O. Box 749. Telephone 108.
Jacksonville, Fla. ………………….. 188
Dr. Porter, (2).
Under this head the Committee beg leave to make some suggestions
which they hope will impress themselves favorably on you.
Rule I.- That instead of leaving it optional with the owner to
have “Mattresses, Pillows, Comforts and Blankets soiled by dejections
from the sick so as to prevent their further use by anyone else sick
in the same house”, destroyed by burning at once, it should be made
obligatory as a means to prevent the spread of the infection and the
owner paid a fair value for the property destroyed out of Government
funds. The grounds on which the Committee base these recommendations
are: - First, All citizens with but few exceptions, who had the means
to leave, sought safety in flight at the beginning of the epidemic,
and left their houses unoccupied. Those who remained did so, generally
speaking, because of want of means to go away, and in their homes
the scourge found its victims, and very few of those people indeed are
able to bear the loss of such property as you say should be destroyed.
The Executive Committee have felt it necessary to pay for property
destroyed under similar circumstances by Dr. Dem. Echemendia’s Staff
when under the direction of the Board of Health, as a measure of
relief to the owners, to enable them to [illegible].
JJ. Daniel, President; P. McQuaid, Vice-President; Dr. J.C. L’Engle, Treasure; Chas. S. Adams, Secretary; Jas. M. Fairlie, Cor. Secretary.
Executive Committee:
J.J. Daniel.
P. McQuaid.
J.M. Schumacher.
Dr. J.C. L’Engle.
C.G. Elliott.
P.E. McMurray.
W.A. McDuff.
Office of
Jacksonville Auxiliary Sanitary Association,
16 ½ West Bay Street.
P.O. Box 749. Telephone 108.
Jacksonville, Fla. ………………….. 188
Dr. Porter, (3).
Second, From existing conditions as above stated, there are so few
able to bear the loss of such property as should be destroyed to
prevent spread of infection, that the Committee believe it would be
wise and within the scope of the law, for the Government to announce
that it would pay for all property destroyed under your orders. Such
action would remove any danger of secreting infected articles by the
owners, which we fear might be attempted by those unable to bear
the loss, if otherwise.
Rule 2.- In reference to this rule providing that applications
to the Government for reimbursement for destruction of infected mate-
rial, should be referred to the Committee on Claims of the Citizens
Auxiliary Association, the Committee feels that in view of the fact
that the work of disinfection and fumigation may require months to
complete after the end of this epidemic, and as the members of that
Committee have gratuitously devoted their time and services to the
work during the epidemic, and will be compelled to give their atten-
tion to their personal interests as soon as business can be resumed,
that a competent person should be appointed by you as an appraiser for
the Government, who should, in conjunction with a representative of
the owner of the property to be destroyed, determine its [illegible].
JJ. Daniel, President; P. McQuaid, Vice-President; Dr. J.C. L’Engle, Treasure; Chas. S. Adams, Secretary; Jas. M. Fairlie, Cor. Secretary.
Executive Committee:
J.J. Daniel.
P. McQuaid.
J.M. Schumacher.
Dr. J.C. L’Engle.
C.G. Elliott.
P.E. McMurray.
W.A. McDuff.
Office of
Jacksonville Auxiliary Sanitary Association,
16 ½ West Bay Street.
P.O. Box 749. Telephone 108.
Jacksonville, Fla. ………………….. 188
Dr. Porter, (4).
that a certificate for the property destroyed be given to the owner.
Rules 3 and 4 are cordially concurred in.
The Executive Committee view this as a very important work, and
think it a wise precaution to designate infected material as you
describe, but would suggest in view of the impression that prevails
that many cases of yellow fever were not reported to the Board of
Health, that all houses where cases of yellow fever were suspected to
have occurred, be visited, and infected material marked same as in
houses where yellow fever was reported to the Board of Health.
Permit me to say that the suggestions made on Destruction
of Property, Rule I, that the Government should pay for infected
material destroyed, - bears strongly on the work of seeking out and
marking infected material; so few are able to bear the loss, that
unless they are assured they will be paid for what is destroyed, I
very much fear [striken; much] infected bedding will be hidden away and not dis-
covered by the Fumigating Staff, and be the means of propagating the
disease hereafter.
The Executive Committee have requested the City Council
JJ. Daniel, President; P. McQuaid, Vice-President; Dr. J.C. L’Engle, Treasure; Chas. S. Adams, Secretary; Jas. M. Fairlie, Cor. Secretary.
Executive Committee:
J.J. Daniel.
P. McQuaid.
J.M. Schumacher.
Dr. J.C. L’Engle.
C.G. Elliott.
P.E. McMurray.
W.A. McDuff.
Office of
Jacksonville Auxiliary Sanitary Association,
16 ½ West Bay Street.
P.O. Box 749. Telephone 108.
Jacksonville, Fla. ………………….. 188
Dr. Porter, (5).
Board of Health to confer on you and those under your direction, full
authority to enter houses for all purposes of disinfection.
I need not assure you that the Executive Committee will
render you all assistance in their power.
Yours very truly,
P. M. Quaid