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Tampa, Fla. Sept. 5th 1888.

Dr. Hamilton.
Surgeon general.

Dear sir:
about two weeks ago, I wrote
to you from Key West about the state of
Leprosy in that place, including some prin-
ted papers on that subject. In my letter
I asked you for assistance in that matter,
not knowing, and not indicating in what
way or shape you could render the same,
being solely impressed with the fact,
that early and energetic steps must be ta-
ken against this calamity, which never
can be expected of that incredible indolence
of Keywesters.
By my efforts in the investigation of Lepra
those people however understood, that some
day, these poor numerous sufferers surely
will be removed and separated [sic].

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This and the so called local business
interest, created so much excitement against
me, that I had to leave K.W. suddenly.
It will soon come to the surface, that all
what was done against my efforts to promote
isolation of the Lepers, and to give them
human like existence [sic], was done by a certain
"Ring" one substantial of which is the Board
of Health, namely Dr. Porter! All other Drs.,
and four fifth of the population of K.W. are
on my side entirely.
I would have gone directly to Tallahassee,
to see the Governor of this state, but the pres-
ent quarantine makes this impossible, and
I will wait for your answer here.
In my letter to you from K.W., I was af-
raid to state the approximative [sic] number
of Lepra cases, as I know it - but here, away
from the immediate danger, I think it my
duty to tell you, that the true number is
far above fifty developed cases!

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Together with the latent cases, which must
come to the surface within the next years, I
feel safe to give the present number as one
hundred and fifty cases.
This fully explains the spread of this pest-
ilence over the neighboring places.
Dr. Wall, Health Officer of this place,
had me examine, in presence of Dr. Barba-
rossa, an incipient case, which I showed to
be genuine Lepra graecorum in the tuber-
cular state, to the full satisfaction of these
gentlemen. Upon my suggestion, Dr. Wall
was quite ready to send this case promptly to
Havana to the Leper-Hospital, as this case,
a stout vigorous lad of 22 years, originally comes
from there, by the way of K.W.
The next day (second to my arrival there) I dis-
covered an other, well pronounced case of
Lepra tuberculosa in the hyperaesthetic state.
The first is a cigarmaker, the second a waiter
in a restaurant.

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Thus, Doctor, you clearly see, what the
States surely may expect, and I dare to assume
that you will agree me, in regard to the ut-
most necessity of prompt, and energetic help.
Before I shall go before the public, and
even to our leading medical Press, I will
await here in Tampa your answer, which
you will kindly please, to send me at your
earliest convenience, advising me, what
further and next is to be done in this question.

Very Respectfully


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Camp Perry
Sep. 13. 1888.
Respectfully referred
to Dr. Porter for
remark. Please
return his paper.
Respectfully referred
to the Board of Health
Joseph Y. Porter
Surgeon in Charge
of government Relief