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Box Number
Item Description
Letter, January 11, 1847, Edwin H. Ewing, Washington, to [S. W. Carmack?], 1 p.: ''. . . in March I will examine the whole ground in regard to the claim of your wife and sister-in-law and determine what will be best for their interests. I will see the Kirkmans and urge them to a sale of the mortgaged property. I will endeavour, if it can be done, without much loss to effect an adjustment of the whole claim, without taking legal steps . . .''
Box Description
Folder Description
Separation Sheet for Letter, June 29, 1841, Richard K. Call, Tallahassee, to Mrs. Ellen Kirkman, New Orleans, 3 pp., regarding business and family matters, including a suit against him which he would pay ''to get rid of the scoundrels, if the times were not so hard. I want to see my dear little Mary very much, but I know she has every possible care and attention . . . and I must content myself until I can pay you a visit either at New Orleans or Nashville. . . [I am] anxious to know something about your future arrangements. Nashville . . . is too cold for you and New Orleans is too unhealthy. Port Leon I think is the very place for you to come and live with me and my daughters. . . It is improving more rapidly than any little place I have ever seen, and will become the largest, and most business place in Florida. . .'' [Multiple holes and tears: text lost] [Separation Sheet only in this folder. Original in Box 10, File Folder 9.]
CALL FAMILY PAPERS - Box: 1 Folder: 4 Item: 9
Letter, January 11, 1847, Edwin H. Ewing, Washington, to [S. W. Carmack?], 1 p.: ''. . . in March I will examine the whole ground in regard to the claim of your wife and sister-in-law and determine what will be best for their interests. I will see the Kirkmans and urge them to a sale of the mortgaged property. I will endeavour, if it can be done, without much loss to effect an adjustment of the whole claim, without taking legal steps . . .''
Box Description
Folder Description
Separation Sheet for Letter, June 29, 1841, Richard K. Call, Tallahassee, to Mrs. Ellen Kirkman, New Orleans, 3 pp., regarding business and family matters, including a suit against him which he would pay ''to get rid of the scoundrels, if the times were not so hard. I want to see my dear little Mary very much, but I know she has every possible care and attention . . . and I must content myself until I can pay you a visit either at New Orleans or Nashville. . . [I am] anxious to know something about your future arrangements. Nashville . . . is too cold for you and New Orleans is too unhealthy. Port Leon I think is the very place for you to come and live with me and my daughters. . . It is improving more rapidly than any little place I have ever seen, and will become the largest, and most business place in Florida. . .'' [Multiple holes and tears: text lost] [Separation Sheet only in this folder. Original in Box 10, File Folder 9.]
Image URL
Chicago Manual of Style
CALL FAMILY PAPERS - Box: 1 Folder: 4 Item: 9. . State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/180810>, accessed 3 March 2025.
CALL FAMILY PAPERS - Box: 1 Folder: 4 Item: 9. . State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 3 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/180810>
AP Style Photo Citation