Interstate Sugar Cane Growers' Association Second Annual Convention Assembles in Jacksonville, Fla., May 4th, 5th and 6th, 1904. To those interested in the cultivation and manufacture of Sugar Cane, in the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas: In 1767, the first sugar cane grown within the present limits of the United States was planted in the vicinity of New Smyrna, on the Halifax River, in Florida, and sugar was manufactured from it. In 1806, sugar cane was first planted in Georgia, and in 1825 seed cane from this stock was carried to Louisiana, and is the base of her best seed cane today. In 1791, Morin, a Cuban, made the first sugar manufactured in Louisiana, and Etienne De Bore in 1794 produced it on a commercial basis, the centennial of which event was celebrated in 1894 with considerable �clat. In 1829, On Hopeton plantation, near Brunswick, Georgia, James Hamilton Couper, the most advanced agriculturist of his day, erected a sugar mill for grinding his own sugar cane, of which he was planting from 300 to 500 acres annually and converting it into sugar, when Georgia was the rival of Louisiana as a sugar state. During the War between the States, 1861-65, Florida produced large quantities of sugar, which was in great demand at that time, owing to the blockaded condition of Southern ports. After the lapse of near a half century a revival has taken place in t his nearly forgotten crop, as a commercial industry, and it is to take advantage of this revival that the Interstate Sugar Can Growers' Association was organized in Macon, Ga., May 6, 1903 for placing the cane industry again upon a commercial basis not only in the states of Georgia and Florida, but also in South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas, that possess soils and climates equally fitted to enable them to participate in this revival, and will convene in Second Annual Convention at Jacksonville, Fla., May 4-6, 1904 to further advance this end. The first Convention at Macon, Ga., was a large and enthusiastic meeting of earnest workers. The addresses made and papers read before the Convention were of the most instructive and interesting character, and made the assemblage one of the most notable and potential Agricultural gatherings that has ever assembled in the South. There is no reason why the Second Convention shall not take as high rank in the work possible for it to accomplish in the face of the changed conditions confronting Southern Agriculture in the phenomenal advance in the price of Cotton, that may cause Southern Agriculturists to return to the single crop fallacy that in the past has brought such untold disaster. In this connection it will only be aimed to show that Sugar Cane growing and its manufacture yields as handsome profits as cotton - even at present high level of prices for that staple, and therefore that those interested in the industry should again meet and discuss the matter among themselves and with those who would be our auxiliaries in re-establishing the sugar cane industry as an important money crop, because of the large areas adapted to the cultivation of sugar cane, more profitably than anything else, as the mill men, in the tracks of the manufacturers of naval stores, are clearing the timber from these areas and opening them up for agricultural purposes. The aggregate of these, at present, waste areas is so great that a proper utilization of them presents a very important problem for solution, by economists and statesmen, in their relation to the taxable resources of states, counties and cities, and because of the extent of their bearing upon the general prosperity and health of the entire section embraced in this invitation. In connection with the revival of the cane industry it is equally important that we confer over methods for economical manufacture, and the not less important matter of ready and reliable markets for that part of the manufacture that shall result in the production of table syrups, which, on account of climatic conditions, will be the form in which practically all of the product will be marketed in the northern half of the can belts of the cane-producing States. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture, Dr. H.W. Wiley, Chief of Bureau of Chemistry, United States Department of Agriculture, and other prominent speakers, will address the Convention. The aim of the committee, in selecting speakers and essayists for the occasion, has been to make it educational in every branch of the subject, and historical in the evolution of every sugar-producing plant within the limits of the United States, upon the broadest lines of thought, experience, and actual results. The composition of the Convention, to make it thoroughly representative, will consist of delegates as follows; five delegates from each county or parish in each state named above, appointed by the Governor of the State: Each agricultural association is entitled to five delegates; each commercial organization, five delegates; industrial departments of railroads, two delegates each; and each state agricultural department, two delegates. Besides the delegates who will comprise the convention, an invitation is extended to the manufacturers of syrup and sugar machinery to be present at the convention, where ample arrangements will be afforded for bringing them in close touch with producers of can and its manufacturers, for interchanging views looking to the adaptation of machinery to the present needs of the can industry in the most of the States comprising the convention and for exhibits of machinery. The convention has been called to assemble in the spacious new quarters of the Board of Trade in the city of Jacksonville, Fla., on May 4, 5and 6, at 10 o'clock each day, upon invitation of the Governor of Florida, Board of Trade and Florida State Agricultural Society. The railroads traversing the several states comprising the convention have published a rate of one fare, plus 25 cents, for round trip to the convention, and tickets will be on sale several days in advance of the assembling of the convention, at all railroad ticket offices in the territory named. Committee of the Jacksonville Board of Trade will arrange for accommodations in hotels and private boarding houses, at moderate rates, for all delegates and other visitors to the convention. Further information upon this point can be obtained by addressing Mr. C.H. Smith, Secretary Board of Trade, Jacksonville, Fla. The convention will be promptly convened at 10 o'clock on Wednesday, May 4th, and it is earnestly desired that each delegate time his departure from home so as to be present at the opening of the convention. Visitors from all parts of the United States are most cordially invited to be present, and are assured most hearty welcome at all sessions of the convention. Emile Rost, 1st Vice-Pres't, New Orleans, La. D.G. Purse, Pres't, Savannah, Ga. Second Vice-Presidents C.G. Abercrombie, Ala. R.E. Rose, Fla. Thos. J. James, Ga. John Dymond, La. H.H. Overstreet, Miss. John Lawton, S.C. I.B. English, Treasurer, Eugene Anderson, Secretary. E.C. Anderson and George Ketchum, Ass't Secretaries Executive Committee G.W. Black, Ala. A.L. Wilson, Fla. G.R. Youmans, Ga. L.M. Soniat, La. B.McClanahan, Miss. W.S. Lipscomb, S.C.