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Lower Court
Pleas at the Court House in Jasper in the Circuit Court for the County, of Hamilton Middle Circuit of Florida at the Fall Term 1840
Present his Honor George S. Hawkins Judge
Be it remembered that is the 20[th] day of October 1840 The Grand Jury in and for the body of Courts of Hamilton returned into Court a [?] Bill of Indictment which is in words and figures following to wit
State of Florida
In the Circuit Court for the Middle Circuit of the State of Florida for Hamilton County at October term in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one Hamilton County, to wit,
The Jurors of the state of Florida in and for the body of the County of Hamilton upon their oath present That Charles a negro man slave the slave and property of one Henry Pennington, late of the County of Hamilton aforesaid in the Circuit and State aforesaid on the second day of October in the year of our Lords One thousand eight hundred and forty one with force and arms at the County of Hamilton aforesaid Circuit and State aforesaid in and upon one Zilpha
In 1847, the Florida Supreme Court considered the case of Charles, a slave, v. State. Charles stood convicted of assaulting and raping Zelpha Pennington. Although not specified in the case file, Zelpha was likely related to Charles' master, Henry Pennington.
This case demonstrated some of the procedural problems facing Florida's early courts in relation to slaves, slavery, and the law. John Coleman, counsel for Charles, filed a "motion of arrest of judgment" in opposition to the verdict because Zelpha was not specifically described as a "white woman" in documents brought before the Hamilton Circuit Court in Jasper in 1841. This error appears to be the reason for the case advancing to the Florida Supreme Court from Hamilton County.
Unfortunately, the file concerning the Charles case appears incomplete. It is unclear what decision was ultimately reached by the Supreme Court, although the case was apparently on the docket for 1847, some six years after it first appeared in Hamilton Circuit Court.
Because it reached the Florida Supreme Court, the judge in Hamilton County must have agreed that the "defect in the Indictment" resulted in "a doubt upon the legal question so arising." As with other Florida cases involving crimes committed upon white people by black people, whether slave or free, precise language was paramount.
The race of the defendant and victim determined whether the court would pursue charges under the 1828 slave codes or the 1832 penal code. The 1832 law specifically outlined different punishments for whites and blacks, both slave and free, who committed the same offense. Moreover, the punishment varied depending on the race of the victim.
Aside from procedural problems and questions about the validity of the indictment, the historical importance of this case relates to the charges brought against Charles. Historians have long recognized that the fear of black men raping white women served as justification for anti-black violence. Lynching of black men suspected of rape in 20th century Florida is well documented in histories of the Jim Crow period.
Recent studies suggest that antebellum rape cases are better understood in the context of class as well as race, whereas post-bellum examples must be viewed in the context of Jim Crow and unrestrained white violence against blacks.
In antebellum cases, the courts were less likely to rule in favor of lower class white women who accused male slaves of rape. Because of class prejudices, elite male jurors often called into question the honor and credibility of lower class white women. Slave-owning jurors also often sided with defendants because they too feared losing valuable property if a conviction resulted in a death sentence. Also, fewer cases involving elite white women reached the courts because family patriarchs feared the shame and dishonor that accompanied such incidents.
Lower Court
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Chicago Manual of Style
Florida Supreme Court. State v. Charles, a Slave. 1847. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/260663>, accessed 25 March 2025.
Florida Supreme Court. State v. Charles, a Slave. 1847. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 25 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/260663>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Florida Supreme Court)