Source Authority
Minutes Dade County Commissioners.
Book B. p. 112. The return from Juno to Miami.
After leaving Juno, the first meeting of the County Commissioners of Dade County was held in Miami, August 1, 1899. Commissioners present were: Lainhart, Chn., Pitts, Rushing, Shone, McDonald,- Chillingsworth, Sheriff, and Quimby, Clerk. Another meeting was held in Miami August 7, 1899; and another, Sept. 5, 1899.
Book B.P.126
Following these meetings in Miami, the records show that the County Commissioners met twice in West Palm Beach, once on Nov. 7, 1899, and again January 2, 1900.
The next meeting of the Board was held on Feb. 5, 1900, in Miami. The place of meeting of the Board [has not] been moved from Miami since that time.
The business transacted at the two meetings held in West Palm Beach was of a routine character. Various reports were presented including that of the School Board, Board of Public Instruction, County Treasurer, and the quarterly financial report. Various warrants were issued at these meetings. It was reported at the meeting of Jan 2, 1900, that the names of 282 registered voters were entered as eligible and liable for jury duty.
Page 153. At the meeting of the Board on March 6, 1900, "The question of a new Court House for Dade County was brought up and after considerable discussion the same was laid over for further [information] and discussion." This is the last entry of business transacted at this session. (Signed) Geo. W. Lainhart, Chn.
Page 179 The following resolution was passed at the meeting of the Board held in Miami, July 3, 1900: "Resolved, That at the next regular meeting of the Board, viz., the first Tuesday in August next, steps will be taken to advertise and call an election to determine whether or not the County of Dade shall issue bonds in the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the purpose of building roads, court house and jail."
Page 184 At Miami, August 7, 1900, the following item is entered: "In the matter of bonding Dade County for the benefit of Court House, Roads, etc., the matter was laid over until next meeting."
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Book B. Page 189. At the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held in Miami September 4, 1900, the following resolution was passed: "Whereas the Board of County Commissioners deem it expedient to issue county bonds, for the purpose of constructing paved, macadamized [or other] hard surfaced highways and erecting a Court House and Jail in said County, therefore be it resolved by the Board ... That one hundred and fifty thousand dollars is required for such purpose, fifty thousand dollars for said buildings, and one hundred thousand for road purposes, that the rate of interest shall be four and one-half percent per annum ..." Provision also was made for the proper publication of this resolution. And further: "And we do hereby appoint the sixth day of November 1900 for the holding of an election at which the question shall be submitted to the legal voters of the County whether said bonds shall be issued, and the form of the ballots shall be: "For Bonds" or "Against Bonds"
(Signed) Geo W. Lainhart, Chn.
N. W. Pitts
W. V. Rushing
County Commissioners of Dade County.
Pages 210-211 The election was held as advertised, and the returns of same are here recorded under date November 12, 1900, [accepted] as they were by the Board on this date. The result of the election was:
"For Bonds" 817
"Against Bonds" 464 majority
The Board of Canvassers consisted of A. T. Carter, Supervisor
Hon. A. E. Heyser, County Judge
Geo W. Lainhart, Chn.
Pages 216-217 At a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners
An entry in the minutes of a later meeting states that the Board met "at the office of the clerk of the circuit court at the Court 2 House, Miami, Florida. After some preliminary business was transacted the Board resolved "That bonds of said Dade County be issued in the sum of $150.000 for the purpose set forth in the said advertisement in the amounts and denominations as follows:
$25.000 in denominations of $100.00 each 250 Bonds $25.000 " " $500.00 each 50 Bonds
$100.000 " " $1000.00 each 100 Bonds
1. This is under date December 3, 1900.
2. These minutes throughout are silent on the matter of the particular place in which the Board met, as far as concerns the house, building or location in Miami after the return of the "Court House" from Juno.
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write duplicates[?]
Book B.
Page 216-217. The bonds thus provided for were to be dated April 1, 1901, with forty coupons to each bond for the interest thereon at 4 1/2 % per annum. 1
The next step in the arrangements for a Court House was to appoint 2 a committee to inspect the court houses of the counties of Osceola, Orange, and Volusia, to ascertain their cost, make diagrams of them, and report the whole matter to the Board at its next meeting.
Page 241. "The Board after examining all the plans decided to accept those of Wilson and Edwards, of Columbia, S. C., for Court House Jail and Armory. Memorandum of agreement was made and filed with the clerk." "The following resolution was unanimously adopted: Be it resolved by the Board ... that the County Bonds be advertised for bids for the entire issue of 150.000
$50.000.00 of the same to be delivered for cash Apr. 15, 1901
$50,000.00 " " Oct.1, 1901
$50,000.00 " " April, 1902
Stipulation of course was made that interest on these bonds would accumulate only from the date cash was paid for them. 3
Page 241. Surety was required of those bidding for bonds in amounts over $5000.00, to the amount of ten percent of the bid running to the County Treasurer, as warrant "that the bidder will comply with the terms of the bid." 4
Page 256-257 The following bids were received for the whole amount:
Roby Robinson (Robt R. Taylor, Attorney), Atlanta, Ga.
Duke M. Farson & Co., per G. M. Parmell, Vice Pres.
Bank of Bay Biscayne and Dade County State Bank.
On motion of Com. McDonald this last named bid was accepted by Board. 5
Page 287. At a special meeting, Sept. 17, 1901, called to arrange for the building of Jail and Armory, to be used for the present also as a Court House, authorized the acceptance of the pencil sketch of Wilson and Edwards, "after making some changes."
Page 292. "Plans and specifications for the armory (spelled armoray) and jail were received from Wilson and Edwards architects, and accepted." Oct. 17, 1901
Page 304. Jno. Sewell, R. E. McDonald, S. A. Belcher, committee appointed by Chn., to confer with Chas A Green, the contractor, in the construction of the county Jail, and instructed to urge upon him the importance of rushing
1. The Commissioners who signed this record in the minutes were: Geo. W. Lainhart, Chn., Jno. McFarlane, and W. J. Shone.
2. Chairman Lainhart was appointed the committee of one. There were meetings Jan 2 and Jan 7, but no report from Com. Lainhart is recorded. This meeting was held Dec 3, 1900.
3. Meeting of March 6, 1901. 4. Meeting of March 6, 1901. 5. Apr. 15, 1901
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It appears that a suit at law was brought to test the legality of the bonds that had been offered for sale, and that the case had been decided by the Supreme Court in favor of the bonds, declaring them legal. And on July 1, 1902, the Board ordered the following proposal for bids advertised:
- Notice -
Sealed bids for erecting a court house at Miami, Dade County, Florida, according to plans and specifications drawn by Wilson and Edwards, of Columbia, S. C., will be received by E. C. Dearborn, Clerk of Circuit Court, Miami, Florida, up to 12 o'clock M. Sept 2, 1902. 1 Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court, Miami, Florida. Sufficient bond will be required of contractor. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Signed by Geo. W. Lainhart, Chn, Board of County Commissioners.
Provision was made at the meeting of the Board on Aug. 4, 1902, for advertising the proposal for erecting a court house and jail for Dade County in Miami, in '[Manufacturers] Record' of Baltimore, Md., and in the 'American Contractor' of Chicago, Ill. 2
At the meeting of the Board in October 7, 1902, the Board "On motion accepted the bid of the Capital City Building Company of $44,000.00 with the privilege of accepting instead their bid on original plans and specifications of $52,650.00 within six months from date. Mr John W. Wood, of the Capital City Building Company was present and accepted the contract on above terms, and contract was drawn and signed." 3
Bids for finishing and setting up cells in the Court House received at the meeting of the Board, Oct. 8, 1902. 4
At the meeting of the Board, Oct 13, 1902, the Jail and Armory were completed, inspected and ordered paid for; also a warrant was drawn to Green and Croft for $1806.26, balance due of Jail contract. 5 At the meeting on Jan. 6, 1903, provision was made 6 for a janitor for court house at $1.50 per week. Also a book-typrwriter was authorized to be [purchased] by Clerk. $200.00 appropriated. 7 On February 3, 1903, a memorial to A. F. Quimby, twelve years clerk of Circuit Court, was authorized. 8 Beginning with the date May 5, 1903, the minutes in the record book are typed. 9 Evidently the machine authorized on Jan. 6, had arrived.
At the meeting of the Board May 5, 1903, second payment 10 on the Court House
1. Page 340, Book B. 2. Book B, Page 343. 3. Book B, Page 359. 4. Book B. Page 362. 5. Book B. Page 368. 6. Book B. Page 388. 7. Book B. Page 390. 8. Book B, Page 394. 9. Book B. Page 412 10. Book B Page 413.
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was ordered to the First National Bank, of Miami, in the sum of $3412.00
The Board authorized 1 Commissioner Sewell to make arrangements for building a temporary kitchen for use of the county prisoners. And on July 6, 1903, the Board ordered 2 that the janitor of the Jail be paid $12.50 per month after July 1.
The third payment on the County Court House, $5116.00, was ordered 3 paid to the First National Bank of Miami.
On July 7, 1903, the following bills were approved 4 and ordered paid from the general fund:
No 5709 Diebold Safe and Lock Co 1st payment on cells (due 4 mos from date 1933.
No 5710 " 2d " (due 1 yr from date) $2332.00
No 5711 " 3d " (due 2 yrs "" " $2464.00
1. June 2, 1903, Book B. Page 417. 2. Book B. Page 422. 3. Book B. Page 424. Book. P. 426
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Dade County - Minutes Meetings
County Commissioners
Records Court House Tenth Floor.
Book B.
Page 443. The Board appointed Commissioners Sewell and Belcher as a committee to have to have [sic] the cells removed from the old jail, and to have the old bridge across Miami River removed. This was the meeting of Oct. 5, 1903. 1
Page 444 At the same meeting, Oct. 5, 1903, "A communication was received from the Capital City Building Company asking for an extension of time on contract for the Court House, from first Tuesday in October 1903 to Jan. 1, 1904, giving as their reason, their inability to get proper quality of stone quarried. Extension of time granted as asked for."
There are repeated entries on these immediate pages of bills paid for ice for jail.
Page 451 Record of payment from the general fund; at the meeting of the Board Nov. 3, 1903:
No. 5964 L. Granger Moving old jail cells $125.00
Page 452 No. 173 First National Bank Bond Fund 6th payment Ct. Hs $2000.00
Page 457 At the meeting of the Board Dec. 1, 1903, "It was ordered by the Board that a Builder's Risk for $15,000.00 be placed on the unfinished Court House for 90 days.
Page 462 In handwriting appears this notation written on the left-hand page upward: "The balance of this book is void. For meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held in January 1904 see Minutes of Commissioners, Book "C", and signed E. C. Dearborn, Clerk.
Book C
Page 1 The names of the County Commissioners here are: Geo. W. Lainhart, Chn., Jno. Sewell, S. A Belcher, F. C. Archer, R. E. McDonald; with them also met John Frohock, Sheriff, and E. C. Dearborn, Clerk. Jan. 4, 1904.
Page 4 Sealed bids to furnish and place "vault furniture for Clerk's vault in Court House at Miami" asked for.
Page 12 At the meeting of the Board Feb. 2, 1904 it was ordered that "Court Street be purchased and paved. (This is the street east of the present Court House block, extending from West Flagler St. to First St. N. W.)
Page 21 Arrangements were made, Mch. 1, 1904, for the Miami Military Co. to occupy the room over the Jail as Armory. It was also arranged that the Court House be insured.
Page 26 On April 5, 1904, the Board passed the following resolution recorded in the minutes as follows: "The County Court House having been completed, the building was accepted and final payment made to contractors."
1. The fact that these two items are mentioned together makes it quite certain that the cells in the "Old Jail" referred to were the ones that had been installed in the building on the Tuttle property which was used for County purposes after the return of the County Seat from Juno to Miami,
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On the same date warrant of. [sic] $4524.51 was authorized [against] the general fund to pay the remaining cost of the Court House, the Bond Fund not being sufficient.
Book C
Page 28 At the meeting of the Board warrant was drawn, No. 6503, in favor of the Wilson Novelty Works, Court House grounds in the sum of $51.55; Capital City Building Co., Court House, $4387.74. On May 3 (Book C, P. 36) assignment of rooms in the Court House was made; June 8, 1904, Page 42, Art Metal Construction Co., Vault furniture, $1171.35; July 5 (Page 46), Offices in court house to be lettered in black
Page 48 Arrangements made, July 5, 1904, for janitor and [gardener] for court house, per mo. $30.
Page 54. On Aug 1, 1904, Brickell [assessment] $33.00 per acre applies to John Lewis and Polly Lewis properties as well.
Page 118 Aug 1, 1905, Notice to Miami Military [Company] to vacate room in the county jail in thirty days, used by them as an armory, because the space is needed for jail cells
Book F
166-167 At the meeting of the Board on Aug. 3, 1915, the legal report by L. R. Railey, attorney for the Board of Commissioners, was made with regard to the legality of making a bond issue for erecting of a County Jail when bonds for $500,000.00 were alaready outstanding. His conclusion was favorable to the possibility.
Page 178 At the meeting of the Board on Aug.. [sic] 14, discussion was had on the matter of remodeling the Court House. Geiger selected as architect.
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April 16, 1940
On the 19th of April, 1890, the Jupiter and Lake Worth railroad ran a special train to Juno, which was also the objective point for an excursion trip by the steamer Lake Worth from the several settlements on the lake; these excursions were made to give the people an opportunity of participating in the ceremony of laying the cornerstone of the new Court House at Juno.
The crowd assembled about 3 P.M. The building was not nearly completed but its fine proportions and ample size gave promise that it should soon be fashioned into a fitting shrine for the Goddess of Justice who for more than forty-eight years could claim in Dade County no temple of her own.
Capt. O. S. Porter was chose Master of Ceremonies. A. E. Hayser, County Judge, read a full list of county officers then in office, which list was placed with numerous offerings in the receptacle provided in the cornerstone, which was closed during an eloquent and appropriate address by the Rev. Mr. Mulfred, orator of the day.
A forest fire was raging in the north and its lurid tongues of flame rose into a black cloud that overhung the scene with as threatening portent as justice in its most horrible mood can assume, while the whole smoke curled from the locomotive standing near like incense from a sacrificial altar and rose as a benediction commending to mercy and prosperity the interest of the assembly ready to disperse to their homes throughout the county.
This memorable scene was photographed by Mr. C. A. Lane and copies of his fine picture will long be kept in the many households as a memorial of the official "Coming out" of the first Court in Dade County.
Recorded Dec. 24, 1890
A. E. Hayser, County Judge
Dear Miss Touchton: I do not know if Dr. English, while on the Historical Records Survey, found the above historical data; therefore am sending you this excerpt as found in the "Miscellaneous Record A" on page 154 of the Clerk of the Circuit Court records of Dade County, Florida.
MAY 1-1940