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Attention, Citizens of St. Augustine' - Warning to Citizens about Confidence Men, 1922
Geographic Term
Post-Office Department
Office of Inspector
New York, N.Y.
Penality for Private Use
Official Business
Attention, Citizens of St. Augustine
Do you want confidence men again this winter to swindle tourists - who help to make your city what it is - out of hundreds of thousands of dolalrs, as they ahve been doing for years in an amazingly bold manner?
If not, will you help your city and county officials to keep out of the city the following named confidence men whose identity can be ascertained as they have been coming to St. Augustine for years and must be well known to your local gamblers and crooks?
Every hotel should post this list.
Allen, E.R.
Armstrong, James O.
Atwood, A.H.
Barnett, Elmo
Beardsley, Geo. P.
Belcher, Geo.
Belmont, Dan
Bernstein, Max J.
Bonner, M.J.
Boose, G.B.
Bouma, G.F.
Bowman, Chas. C.
Bowers, W. T.
Breen Chas. e.
Brew, W. A.
Brick, Geo.
Brooks, A.W.
Brooks, Ray L.
Brown, A.F.
Bull, John
Burk, W. H.
Callahan, T.W.
Candore, Phil
Carbone, John
Carson, A.C.
Casey, W.A.
Christian, J.R.
Cohen, Max
Clark, J.C.
Corbally, John
Cummins, L.A.
Cunniff, John A., alias J.J. Wood
Dawson, E.
Dean, F.W.
Denham, A.
Delphond, Theophile
Doyle, W.F.
Dubey, chas. H.
Eardley, James
Earp, Wm.
Ellis, C.H.
Falotico, Geo.
Farrell, J.P.
Felix, Leon
Ferguson, Warren J.
Finnerty, John
Fitzgerald, J.D.
Flashlan, Thos.
Frick, David B.
Gallagher, W.R.
Garu, S.P.
Gavin, Walter P.
Grant, Richard
Hamilton, Harry R.
Hamlin, W.W.
Hobart, geo.
Hoffman, Al
Hogan, C.T.
Holcombe, E.R.
Horton, R.C.
Hughes, Al
Hunter, l.A.
Hutton, Joe
Irving, J.F.
Irwin, Geo. W.
James, J.G.
Jarvis, W.B.
Jergins, A.T.
Kaplan, H.A.
keating, Joe
Keenan, Wm.
King,. Emory S.
Kirby, W.S.
Kolb, Harry A.
Knowles, J.J.
Lee, H.A.
lehman, Henry
Levenson, Harry
Lewis, Edward F.
Lewis, John
Lewis, Chappie
Loftus, W.H., alias { Wm. H. Lucas, W.H. Lewis
Longergan, J.
Lucas, W.H.
Llewellyn, David J., alias David Lloyd
Lytell, Sam M.
Madden, C.F.
Markey, James S.
Marks, Harry
Martin, W.J.
Mayer, A., alias H.a. Kolb
McLaughlin, harry
McBride, D.C.
McElroy, R.M.
McPherson, E.S.
McSherry, John
Mead, W. Elmer
Mulloy, Alfred
Murr, A.c.
Nellesen, J.B.
Newman, Paul
Nugent, Pete
Obrien, Jos. A.
Obrien, Lewis V.
Obryne, E.
O'Neill, David
Parsons, Edward P.
Patterson, E.H.
Paul, F.C.
Pearl, Geo. H.
Phillips, Louis B.
Pine, Chas. J.
Powell, C.W.
Pullard, W.E.
Pryer, C.D.
Quimby, W.E.
Quirk, J.F.
reif, J.G.
Reilly, W.F.
Rial, Lee
Roche, J.
Sachs, H.N.
Sadler, Ralph S.
Scarborough, J.F., alias J.L. Fuller
Scott, E.R.
Sharum, Jeff
Shaw, Wm. A.
Silva, Wm. F.
Smith, Chas. L.
Snider, Wm.
Stanley, R., alias R. F. Starratt
St. Clair, H.
Stetson, Jack K.
Stivers, Geo. W.
Stone, James H.
Stone, W.
Stosnider, James H.
Stone, W.
Strosnider, John
Taylor, E.F.
Tillery, Mark
Tobin, Larry J.
Turpin, Frank B.
Upshaw, J.
Watson, C.
Wheeler, C.S.
White, Harry
Wilson, J.J.
Wichester, E.F. (Winchester)
Wilson, R.L.
Woodward, E.C.
Wyatt, Frank P.
The undersigned desires information, which will be treated as confidential, if desired, as to the movements and associations in St. Augustine of the above-named, or othe, confidence men and crooked gamblers.
Photographs of above can be seen by conferring with the postmaster.
Jacksonville, Florida.
New York, New York.
December 9, 1922.
Geographic Term
Post-Office Department
Office of Inspector
New York, N.Y.
Penality for Private Use
Official Business
Attention, Citizens of St. Augustine
Do you want confidence men again this winter to swindle tourists - who help to make your city what it is - out of hundreds of thousands of dolalrs, as they ahve been doing for years in an amazingly bold manner?
If not, will you help your city and county officials to keep out of the city the following named confidence men whose identity can be ascertained as they have been coming to St. Augustine for years and must be well known to your local gamblers and crooks?
Every hotel should post this list.
Allen, E.R.
Armstrong, James O.
Atwood, A.H.
Barnett, Elmo
Beardsley, Geo. P.
Belcher, Geo.
Belmont, Dan
Bernstein, Max J.
Bonner, M.J.
Boose, G.B.
Bouma, G.F.
Bowman, Chas. C.
Bowers, W. T.
Breen Chas. e.
Brew, W. A.
Brick, Geo.
Brooks, A.W.
Brooks, Ray L.
Brown, A.F.
Bull, John
Burk, W. H.
Callahan, T.W.
Candore, Phil
Carbone, John
Carson, A.C.
Casey, W.A.
Christian, J.R.
Cohen, Max
Clark, J.C.
Corbally, John
Cummins, L.A.
Cunniff, John A., alias J.J. Wood
Dawson, E.
Dean, F.W.
Denham, A.
Delphond, Theophile
Doyle, W.F.
Dubey, chas. H.
Eardley, James
Earp, Wm.
Ellis, C.H.
Falotico, Geo.
Farrell, J.P.
Felix, Leon
Ferguson, Warren J.
Finnerty, John
Fitzgerald, J.D.
Flashlan, Thos.
Frick, David B.
Gallagher, W.R.
Garu, S.P.
Gavin, Walter P.
Grant, Richard
Hamilton, Harry R.
Hamlin, W.W.
Hobart, geo.
Hoffman, Al
Hogan, C.T.
Holcombe, E.R.
Horton, R.C.
Hughes, Al
Hunter, l.A.
Hutton, Joe
Irving, J.F.
Irwin, Geo. W.
James, J.G.
Jarvis, W.B.
Jergins, A.T.
Kaplan, H.A.
keating, Joe
Keenan, Wm.
King,. Emory S.
Kirby, W.S.
Kolb, Harry A.
Knowles, J.J.
Lee, H.A.
lehman, Henry
Levenson, Harry
Lewis, Edward F.
Lewis, John
Lewis, Chappie
Loftus, W.H., alias { Wm. H. Lucas, W.H. Lewis
Longergan, J.
Lucas, W.H.
Llewellyn, David J., alias David Lloyd
Lytell, Sam M.
Madden, C.F.
Markey, James S.
Marks, Harry
Martin, W.J.
Mayer, A., alias H.a. Kolb
McLaughlin, harry
McBride, D.C.
McElroy, R.M.
McPherson, E.S.
McSherry, John
Mead, W. Elmer
Mulloy, Alfred
Murr, A.c.
Nellesen, J.B.
Newman, Paul
Nugent, Pete
Obrien, Jos. A.
Obrien, Lewis V.
Obryne, E.
O'Neill, David
Parsons, Edward P.
Patterson, E.H.
Paul, F.C.
Pearl, Geo. H.
Phillips, Louis B.
Pine, Chas. J.
Powell, C.W.
Pullard, W.E.
Pryer, C.D.
Quimby, W.E.
Quirk, J.F.
reif, J.G.
Reilly, W.F.
Rial, Lee
Roche, J.
Sachs, H.N.
Sadler, Ralph S.
Scarborough, J.F., alias J.L. Fuller
Scott, E.R.
Sharum, Jeff
Shaw, Wm. A.
Silva, Wm. F.
Smith, Chas. L.
Snider, Wm.
Stanley, R., alias R. F. Starratt
St. Clair, H.
Stetson, Jack K.
Stivers, Geo. W.
Stone, James H.
Stone, W.
Stosnider, James H.
Stone, W.
Strosnider, John
Taylor, E.F.
Tillery, Mark
Tobin, Larry J.
Turpin, Frank B.
Upshaw, J.
Watson, C.
Wheeler, C.S.
White, Harry
Wilson, J.J.
Wichester, E.F. (Winchester)
Wilson, R.L.
Woodward, E.C.
Wyatt, Frank P.
The undersigned desires information, which will be treated as confidential, if desired, as to the movements and associations in St. Augustine of the above-named, or othe, confidence men and crooked gamblers.
Photographs of above can be seen by conferring with the postmaster.
Jacksonville, Florida.
New York, New York.
December 9, 1922.
Chicago Manual of Style
Attention, Citizens of St. Augustine' - Warning to Citizens about Confidence Men, 1922. 1922-12-09. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326736>, accessed 15 March 2025.
Attention, Citizens of St. Augustine' - Warning to Citizens about Confidence Men, 1922. 1922-12-09. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 15 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326736>
AP Style Photo Citation