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Letter from Olive Fish to Minnie Bevins - December 19, 1915
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Centreville Pa
December 19th 1915
My cold is much better but I [cough] very bad yet I have felt real well for me today hope this will find you all well write when you can
My dear daughter and family
Mother recd your letter a few days ago glad to hear from you. [A]s this is Sunday eve will try to write a little I have been [having] a very bad cold since friday so did not go to Sunday School it has made me nearly sick but it is [loose] today so I guess it will better soon. And your pa has [trampled] round in the snow till he was [most] sick so he [didn't] go [either] they will have exsmas[sic] [exercises] friday night for the [Sabbath] School. We have been [having] some real winter weather snow was 6 inches deep but it rained all day friday night till the ground was quite bare it was
Centreville Pa
December 19th 1915
My cold is much better but I [cough] very bad yet I have felt real well for me today hope this will find you all well write when you can
My dear daughter and family
Mother recd your letter a few days ago glad to hear from you. [A]s this is Sunday eve will try to write a little I have been [having] a very bad cold since friday so did not go to Sunday School it has made me nearly sick but it is [loose] today so I guess it will better soon. And your pa has [trampled] round in the snow till he was [most] sick so he [didn't] go [either] they will have exsmas[sic] [exercises] friday night for the [Sabbath] School. We have been [having] some real winter weather snow was 6 inches deep but it rained all day friday night till the ground was quite bare it was
warm like spring but it turned cold last night & began to snow & blow hard today. We do have such sudden changes Minnie [don't] [even] think of sending us a box for you [keep] it for yourselves. [D]id the railroad charge more [than] 40cts [freight] the agent said that was all it would [be]. Your pa is getting out [some] exsmas[sic] trees the man wanted him to get a hundred but he has got 31 out and will take them down tomorrow he gets 20cts apiece for them times is [close] with us now the hens [don't] lay hardly [any] we [milk] once a day but [don't] churn [any] more. I have butter packed to take us through she [won't] be fresh till the first of march. It is nice [there] is so many ducks [there] are they as good as the tame ones. [T]he wind is blowing something fierce tonight
Well here it is [tuesday] night & will try to finish your letter I have [done] a big washing today & am very [tired] have just got my work [done] up your pa & I am alone as usual [every] body is getting ready for xmas Nolia looks for the children home Einrel got burnt so Zelma has been helping her Aunt he is getting along as well as can [expect] dine has been to Nolie's for several [days] she was [here] for dinner today she has no money or provision but she has a little straw & one ton & half of hay to sell she will sell her farm [if] she can get 14 hundred [dollars] she was [here] today for dinner, I see in the paper today Angie Hummer was dead she has been poorly for some time it has been real cold since I [commence] to write but it is warmer now, hope you will all have a good time for xmas
& Minnie I [often] think of you & wonder what you would do [if] [any] of you was sick or dead & often wonder [if] we will ever [meet] again in this world it [don't] look much as though we would [there] is so many [dropping] off Rena McMullen was [buried] friday she was taken raven[sic] crazy so they took her to the warren [hospital] & she died the next day Rokcy Tinghey was married to Olla Gilburn he has a home up in Magee town to take her to & they say Mame Marrott is to [be] married soon but I [can't] hardly believe it they had a great [meeting] at Thompson creek they got Earl & Ethel Gilson they say he [don't] [seem] like the same man I do hope he will stick to it & make a man of him self it is getting late so will close this time to go to bed
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Chicago Manual of Style
Olive Maria Fish, 1843-1916. Letter from Olive Fish to Minnie Bevins - December 19, 1915. December 19, 1915. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326899>, accessed 19 March 2025.
Olive Maria Fish, 1843-1916. Letter from Olive Fish to Minnie Bevins - December 19, 1915. December 19, 1915. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 19 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326899>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Olive Maria Fish)