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Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - July 9, 1917
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U.S.S. Tampa. Key West, Fla.
Dear Sister -
You must be having a hard time out there. Where in the world did you catch the Measels? Am very glad they were a light case. You must be over them by this time. Am also very glad to learn of [mother's] improvement. Hope she will get strong fast so as to lighten the work for you. Wish I could be there to help you for I know the way father does things.
My pay amounted to $34.48 and as I had to [return] $30 to the skipper and had a couple dollars more [against] me, it is impossible to send any more home. We did
Subject - Corporate
U.S.S. Tampa. Key West, Fla.
Dear Sister -
You must be having a hard time out there. Where in the world did you catch the Measels? Am very glad they were a light case. You must be over them by this time. Am also very glad to learn of [mother's] improvement. Hope she will get strong fast so as to lighten the work for you. Wish I could be there to help you for I know the way father does things.
My pay amounted to $34.48 and as I had to [return] $30 to the skipper and had a couple dollars more [against] me, it is impossible to send any more home. We did
not get the expected raise this month and may not get it at all tho[sic] I still am [hoping] for it. $8 will do a whole lot and we [certainly] need it.
How often is the doctor [coming] now and how is [mother's] head healing? I was quite [disappointed] when I found we had left home a day early. I could have done so much in the extra time. I have been kicking myself about it ever since.
If you ever get in to straighten up my shack I wish you would take special pains with that inlaid box. About all of the things I value are in it. Some pictures of friends and of myself the latter in the nude, which I would [prefer] to keep hidden[.] There is nothing [obscene] about them unless viewed by a prude for they are poses of Greek statuary.
You may look at them if you wish tho[sic] I warn you of their nature. Please put the rest of my pictures, which are in an [envelope] out at home, in the china closet, in the box and lock it. I have lost the key but the lock is easily picked with a hairpin. I also have a fob that I value rather highly, among the other trinkets.
How did you find things in the suitcase? There are things in it that [you'll] find useful I am sure.
I have a jumper and [neckerchief] ready to send you but will have to go ashore to mail them so they will follow the letter.
I have been [writing] all day and my hand is a little cramped. Will try and write again later in the week. Write as often as you can and tell all you can. Most [everything] will interest
We found our things in pretty good shape thanks to some of our friends taking charge of them. We expected to find them all stolen but can account for nearly everything.
Tell Pa to write, Love to Mother and tell her I think often of her.
Good night
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Chicago Manual of Style
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - July 9, 1917. July 9, 1917. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326920>, accessed 13 March 2025.
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to Merie Rieck - July 9, 1917. July 9, 1917. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326920>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Algy Knox Bevins)