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Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to William and Minnie Bevins - February 12, 1918
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February 12, 1918
[?]ear Dad and Moth[er]
Your [?] of December [?] [?]ched m[?] [?] and while [?] and unexplaining[sic] was [?]y [?]come. This makes the t[?]d [?] letter fr[om] home that we have received since leaving home waters[.]
I do not know how often you have heard from us tho[sic] I fear it has not been [?]ten because yo[u] said you tho[u]ght w[e] [?] [often] th[a]n we do. [?] [write] [?] t[?] letters a month [?] I know some of them go do[?]. I have just learned that two [different]
Subject - Corporate
February 12, 1918
[?]ear Dad and Moth[er]
Your [?] of December [?] [?]ched m[?] [?] and while [?] and unexplaining[sic] was [?]y [?]come. This makes the t[?]d [?] letter fr[om] home that we have received since leaving home waters[.]
I do not know how often you have heard from us tho[sic] I fear it has not been [?]ten because yo[u] said you tho[u]ght w[e] [?] [often] th[a]n we do. [?] [write] [?] t[?] letters a month [?] I know some of them go do[?]. I have just learned that two [different]
ships [carrying] our mail have been sunk. [Probably] the same trouble applies to your mail to[o] so do not feel hard if you [?] hear often.
The [return] slip [?lli[?] [?] my re[?]d letter t[o] [you] [?] also. Am [?] glad it went [?] becaus[e] I [?] a [?]tle [?]. [It] [?] [very] [?] [across] and as I st[?] [?] letter, I do not like [if] [?] I have arranged to have Unc[?] [?] send you part of our pay dir[?] [?] this procedure takes time so yo[?] [?]bally[sic] have not yet received it [?] it has been ded[?]ted from our p[?] for the l[?]t four months. Please advise us when you get it[.] I [?] about fi[ft]y dollars per m[?] so when you get it it'll l[?] [?] sum tho[sic] I fea[?] you [?] star[?] in the meantime. I know you have been thinking that we [?]
neglected you but that's because you lacked the details. Over half of our pay is covered by the allotment and insurance [?] you see you are not being forgotten. [?]'ll surely get it soon.
If you see Mrs. H.B. Hitchcock [?] of the other Davenport ladies, [?] that we re[?]ved the pens [?] time. I wrote a note of [?] believe [i]t [?]ent down with [?].
A word about ourselves now. [?]e are both well and glad to [?] our bit. Have had no very exciting times yet tho[sic] the waters we cruise are dangerous. Have had the work of the Hun's brought home to us tho[sic]. I like the life but it could be more exc[?] Have made some very dear frie[?]ships among the fellows. There are some [?]ne chaps aboard the little boat.
I wonder if you got the
pictures of Art and I. [Maybe] they were in the letter that went down?
I am very much intrest[sic][?] [?] your welfare but your letters te[?] [?] little, I am left in darkness [?] and be more explicit. Am [?] (Mother) hair is coming b[?] [?] that your health is im[?] [?] Dad is not very cheerf[?] [?] was a bit blue. Can't you [?] our fault? This strife cann[?] [?] forever so try looking on the b[?] side and remember if we are lo[?] [?] is not likely you will be well p[?] to end your days in ease because [?] the insurance we carry we are wo[?] more dead than alive. Please tell [?] all of the things you think would intre[?][?] me. How [?]t [?] taxes and the notes? Write often and long. With your [interests] at heart I am now As Ever Your Son
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Chicago Manual of Style
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to William and Minnie Bevins - February 12, 1918. February 12, 1918. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326940>, accessed 19 March 2025.
Algy Knox Bevins, 1896-1918. Letter from Algy Knox Bevins to William and Minnie Bevins - February 12, 1918. February 12, 1918. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 19 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/326940>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Algy Knox Bevins)