A national organization with affiliated local groups working to abolish discrimination by direct, nonviolent methods
38 Park Row
New York 38, New York
COrtlandt 7-0408
Roger N. Baldwin
Algernon O. Black
Allan Knight Chalmers
Grenville Clark
Earl B. Dickerson
Eugene E. Frazier
Harold Gibbons
Rabbi Roland B. Gittelsohn
Sidney Hollander
E. Stanley Jones
Martin Luther King
Will Maslow
A. J. Muste
A. Philip Randolph
Ira DeA. Reid
Jackie Robinson
Arnold M. Rose
Lillian Smith
Howard Thurman
Goodwin Watson
Jerry Wurf
Charles S. Zimmerman
Charles R. Oldham
Henry Hodge
vice chairman
Anna Holden
Lula A. Farmer
James Peck
CORElator editor
regional representatives
Walter Hayes
George M. Houser
Herbert Kelman
Frank Robinson
Rev. Charles Smith
Earl Walter
Gordon R. Carey
field secretary
L. W. Holt., Esq.
field secretary
James T. McCain
field secretary
Marvin Rich
community relations director
James R. Robinson
executive secretary
April 11, 1960
Miss Patricia Stephens
Leon County Jail
Tallahassee, Florida
Dear Pat:
I have written all my letters to you. I hope that you are able to share them with the fellows as well as the girls, but I am not sure this is possible.
Twice on the telephone, I have asked Mr. Haley to have you or each of you write us about what you would like from the money which Jackie Robinson and his friends have collected. Today. the lady called and said she thought she had sent as many or more books than would be wanted as well as plenty of cigarettes. It occurred to me that, if Tallahassee CORE is still suffering financial stress, and if the personal needs of each of you is being met, you might want to ask that some of the remaining money (I do not know how much is left) from the Jackie Robinson fund be sent to Tallahassee CORE. If so, you may write me, but it would be better for you to write Jackie Robinson directly. Do let me know, however. I do not feel I can suggest this to him myself, and I do not know what any of you would most like. But they are anxious to use the money for those still in jail as they want it.
Your Spirit of sacrifice was mentioned very effectively by Leonard Holt in a TV appearance last evening (NBC, Chet Huntley). Today. I had a phone call from someone interested in writing all of you letters. The CORElator asks for letters too. but it has been held up and will not be mailed until late this week.
The office work is getting worse and worse! We work overtime almost every day but cannot get caught up. But that is nothing to the contribution to the cause which you are making.
[Signature] James
James R. Robinson Executive Secretary
P. S. I shall send Mr. Haley a copy of this letter together with a contribution to Tallahassee CORE which came in today.