Congress of Racial Equality
A national organization with affiliated local groups working to abolish racial discrimination by direct, nonviolent methods
38 Park Row
New York 38, New York
COrtlandt 7-0408
Ralph Abernathy
James Baldwin
Roger N. Baldwin
Algernon D. Black
Allan Knight Chalmers
Grenville Clark
Earl B. Dickerson
Eugene E. Frazier
Harold Gibbons
Roland B. Gittelsohn
Arthur J. Goldberg
George M. Houser
E. Stanley Jones
Martin Luther King
Will Maslow
A. J. Muste
A. Phillip Randolph
Ira DeA. Reid
Walter P. Reuther
Jackie Robinson
Arnold M. Rose
Lillian Smith
Gardner Taylor
Howard Thurman
jerry Wurf
Charles S. Zimmerman
Charles R. Oldham, chairman
Henry Hodge, vice chairman
Anna Holden, Secretary
Lula A. Farmer, treasurer
James Peck, CORElator editor
regional representatives
Gladys Harrington
Walter Hayes
William Larkins
Evelyn J. Rich
Frank Robinson
Sterling Stuckey
Earl L. Walter
Gordon R. Carey, field secretary
Darwin W. Bolden, field secretary
James T. McCain, field secretary
Marvin Robinson, field secretary
Marvin Rich, community relations director
James R. Robinson, executive secretary
December 2, 1960
Miss Patricia Stephens
P. O. Box 1003
Tallahassee, Florida
Dear Pat:
My letter to Mr. Larkins, with copies to you, was written yesterday, and your letter came in today. So I shall try to answer questions not answered in my letter yesterday. I am sending copies to Mr. Larkins and Miss Young.
You say that Tallahassee CORE is "delighted to have the national council! Please be sure that everyone or almost everyone in Tallahassee CORE does feel that way. It should be discussed at a meeting. we would not want to have a National Council meeting if a number of CORE members in Tallahassee think it might militate against progress there at this time.
The date I suggest is February 11-12. National CORE does not take care of any expenses usually for Council meetings except to give some travel assistance (see Constitution). Free housing is usually provided by the host CORE group for all or nearly all those who attend. We have not usually had a mass meeting. Last year we did have a luncheon open to the public. And, of course, a mass meeting is not necessarily ruled out. But we must remember that the Council is short, is aimed at handling internal CORE business and therefore concentrates on these matters. If you do decide to have a mass meeting or a luncheon or dinner, please write us about inviting the speaker (Lawson sounds like a good idea, but I have not had a chance to discuss this with other members of the staff).
It is very kind of Rev. Steele to offer his church for meetings and for meals. On the meals, it would be important that those attending the Council (including at least one person from Tallahassee CORE as delegate plus Mr. Larkirs as Regional Representative) not have to assist in meal preparation, dish-washing etc.: Council delegates may need to be constantly in session. Each affiliated group has only one voting delegate; others may attend but, as at the Convention, some closed sessions for delegates, officers and staff only may occur if tough questions arise.
Let us know if the date mentioned above is the only good one. On second thought, the last weekend in January might be preferable if it is all right there.
P. S. Delegates may be charged for their meals; if so let us know the charges so that we can put them in an announcement.
Sincerely yours,
[Signature] James R, Robinson
Exectuive Secretary