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DeLand FLA
Oct 24--16
Hon Joseph E Lee.
Jaxville Dear
Sir-- I Received the matter Sent from your office last week, I would be very pleased to you give me some information relative to the Campaign. Mr H.S. Chubb was in DeLand on last Friday, unfortunately I did not see him; Now relative to Mr Geo W. Allen Candidate for Governor. we would like to know are you supporting him We understand that he is a lilly White and held his meeting in the Seminole Hotel in the city of Jaxville While an other meeting was in progress elsewhere. What is your instructions regarding this issue. Some of our men are favoring Mr V.W. Knott for Gov, and some are for Rev Sidney J Catts and a few for Mr Allen but we want to do the best thing and follow the leaders to victory if such is the
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DeLand FLA
Oct 24--16
Hon Joseph E Lee.
Jaxville Dear
Sir-- I Received the matter Sent from your office last week, I would be very pleased to you give me some information relative to the Campaign. Mr H.S. Chubb was in DeLand on last Friday, unfortunately I did not see him; Now relative to Mr Geo W. Allen Candidate for Governor. we would like to know are you supporting him We understand that he is a lilly White and held his meeting in the Seminole Hotel in the city of Jaxville While an other meeting was in progress elsewhere. What is your instructions regarding this issue. Some of our men are favoring Mr V.W. Knott for Gov, and some are for Rev Sidney J Catts and a few for Mr Allen but we want to do the best thing and follow the leaders to victory if such is the
Case, politics in this county are in a condition as never before, as I suppose you are aware of the fact. Thanking you in advance for any information for the benefit of our clubs, and for any additional literature that might shed light on this very very complex Issue please answer at once as we are having a meeting tomorrow night
With best Wishes I beg to remain yours
Truly John W. Edwards
Secy Club #2
We must unite our strength
Joseph E. Lee
32 East Beaver Street
PHONE 4707
Jacksonville, Fla., October 31st, 1916
Mr. John W. Edwards, Secretary, etc.
DeLand, Fla.
Dear Sir:
Your favor of the 24th instant, is at hand. I shall vote the whole Republican ticket, including Mr. George W. Allen, because the Republicans nominated him, and he is our candidate. I wish you and all other Republicans would vote as I vote for the same reason, the whole Republican ticket.
Yours truly,
General Note
Chicago Manual of Style
Edwards, John W. Letter from John W. Edwards to Joseph E. Lee, 1916. 1916-10-24. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/333825>, accessed 13 March 2025.
Edwards, John W. Letter from John W. Edwards to Joseph E. Lee, 1916. 1916-10-24. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/333825>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Edwards)