Florida Memory is administered by the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services, Bureau of Archives and Records Management. The digitized records on Florida Memory come from the collections of the State Archives of Florida and the special collections of the State Library of Florida.

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Lewis Thornton Powell, alias Payne. The (Live Oak?) Florida native who was part of Booth's conspiracy to assassinate President Lincoln, Vice President Johnson and Secretary of State Seward. Powell entered Seward's home, stabbed him in the throat, inflicted dangerous wounds on other members of the household. He escaped and hid in the woods near Washington, returned to the home of Mrs. Surratt, a fellow conspirator. As he reached the house it was being searched by officers. Powell said he had been hired to dig a drain. Surratt, when questioned raised her hand and swore "Before God I do not know him, never saw him, and never hired him." Thus was the conspiracy indicated; and evidence soon forthcoming led to the conviction and execution of Surratt, Powell and 2 others on July 7, 1865.

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Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882. Lewis Thornton Powell. 1860 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/33995>, accessed 13 March 2025.
Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882. Lewis Thornton Powell. 1860 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/33995>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Gardner)