State Archives of Florida, Series S131
December 27, 1966
Mr. Noel Webster
6302 S. W. First Court
Plantation, Florida 33314
Dear Mr. Webster:
This is to acknowledge receipt of your recent letter concerning a memorial for Walt Disney.
I certainly feel this is a worthwhile idea, and I am sure the Disney officials in charge of the project here in Florida will give this suggestion very careful consideration.
Thank you very much for writing to me concerning this matter.
Chicago Manual of Style
Webster, Noel. Letter from Noel Webster to Governor Haydon Burns with Suggestions for a Memorial to Walt Disney's Memory, with Governor Burns' Response, 1966. 1966. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <>, accessed 27 February 2025.
Webster, Noel. Letter from Noel Webster to Governor Haydon Burns with Suggestions for a Memorial to Walt Disney's Memory, with Governor Burns' Response, 1966. 1966. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 27 Feb. 2025.<>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Webster)