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Letter from Frank G. Lucey to Governor Haydon Burns Regarding a Proposal for Walt Disney, January 11, 1966
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P.O. Box 653, Pern Park, Florida. January 11th, 1966. Honorable Haydon Burns, Governor of Florida, Tallahassee, Florida. Dear sir: As you can perceive, after examining the enclosed matter, I tried to reach Mr. Disney the hard straightforward way, but, to no avail. I suppose all communications have to be cleared thru his office staff in order to avoid nuisance mail, solicitations, etc.. I am not surprised at the rejection, apparently, in Burbank. Do you, sir, see anything but good intentions in this mail. I had hoped that, perhaps, through your good offices, Mr. Disney might get to pursue the idea. At Least, it would be his to utilize in the interest of public safety, aimed at minimizing America’s ever increasing record of terrible highway carnage! In the event of his disinterest, what better deterrent could be used to catch the attention of Florida’s millions of motorists, resident or visitor, than banners strung across entrances of, and intermittently placed on our superhighways, carrying this and similar warnings? At any odds, human curiosity should cause many to slow down long enough to read them, put night drivers on the alert for more, if floodlighted, a good antidote for driving fatigue, Resultant publicity could be a ‘feather in Florida cap!’ Hoping I have not intruded on your valuable time, sir, and, with best wishes for your continuing good health, I am, Very sincerely, yours, Frank G. Lucey RECEIVED JAN 12 1966 GOVERNOR’S OFFICE TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA
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Chicago Manual of Style
Lucey, Francis George, 1899-1975. Letter from Frank G. Lucey to Governor Haydon Burns Regarding a Proposal for Walt Disney, January 11, 1966. January 11, 1966. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/346207>, accessed 4 March 2025.
Lucey, Francis George, 1899-1975. Letter from Frank G. Lucey to Governor Haydon Burns Regarding a Proposal for Walt Disney, January 11, 1966. January 11, 1966. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 4 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/346207>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Lucey)