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A promotional brochure for the Gator Bowl Association in partnership with Jacksonville (Fla.), circa 1960.
Geographic Term
[Illustration of the Gator Bowl Stadium}
Partners in Progress
Gator Bowl Association
Jacksonville, Florida
Geographic Term
Subject - Corporate
[Illustration of the Gator Bowl Stadium}
Partners in Progress
Gator Bowl Association
Jacksonville, Florida
[Two small illustrations of Jacksonville buildings]
Partners in Progress
There is a vibrancy, an excitement, a warmth in the Jacksonville air. Representative symbols of civic progress and urban vitality are omnipresent.
Aware of the temper of the times and the mood of its people Jacksonville is moving forward—ready, willing and able—to meet the challenges of the future, The momentum of dramatic structural development has achieved startling gains in the fulfillment of personal and capital needs. The forward thrust of Jacksonville promises a city of national significance, living comfort, cultural refinement, and economic solidity.
The foundations upon which the good and diversified Jacksonville life have been built are broad; so broad, in fact, that single key elements can become obscured. In view of this it is well to reaffirm the purpose and function of the Gator Bowl Association in relation to Jacksonville advancement.
Jacksonville and the Gator Bowl were made for each other — their glorious past, their challenging present, their limitless future dovetail and complement one another forming a partnership-in-progress of perfect dimension. The fresh and provocative setting of Jacksonville is the heart of the Gator Bowls overwhelming public acceptance; in turn, the magic of the Gator Bowl showcase is the cornerstone of Jacksonville progress. Thus is formed the essential kinship, the unremitting mutuality of purpose.
The impact of the Gator Bowl on the progress of Jacksonville is both simple and complex — simple in its universal appeal and measurable success — complex in its many facets and meaningful tradition. Briefly and without benefit of massive statistics, here is a sampling of happenings generated by the Gator Bowl-Jacksonville partnership:
[Bird's-eye-view photograph of Jacksonville]
[A small illustration of a Jacksonville building]
[A small illustration of a beach scene]
The Gator Bowl resounds across the country; 30 million television viewers join with untold numbers of radio listeners to receive the sight and sound of Jacksonville. The Gator Bowl receives superior coverage in the nation’s news- papers; the game, always played on a Saturday, provides splendid material for Sunday editions, All this direct concentration of national communication media on the Gator Bowl brings Jacksonville into sharp focus, enhancing its reputation and its promise.
Thousands of visitors flock to the City to become part of the Gator Bowl festivities. They bring enthusiasm, holiday spirit, and the desire to have a good time; they enrich Jacksonville enterprise $50.00 per person (by conservative, studied average).
Gator Bowl influence does not end with the closing whistle of the game. When the visitors return home they do so as Jacksonville good-will ambassadors carrying the word of a City on the move, a City with great commercial opportunity, a City providing every educational, cultural, and entertainment advantage.
[Photograph of a Jacksonville building]
[Two small illustrations of a football kicker and a sailboat]
Jacksonville has been, is, and will be nourished by the fruits of Gator Bowl activity, The Gator Bowl Association as a Civic- minded force is second-to-none in decisive promotion of Jacksonville’s stature as a VIC (Very Important City).
Timely and timeless, the Gator Bowl, by placing its reputation on the line year after year, has persistently answered challenge with achievement. The Gator Bowl’s purpose is to produce, and continue to produce, better and still better games; Gator Bowl dynamics are geared to public service and customer satisfaction; the Gator Bowl strives constantly to enlarge the scope of spectator pleasure in terms of wide-open, well-matched, first-class sporting contests.
The sure-fire success of the Gator Bowl football game has carried over and caught on to the other events of the Gator Bowl sporting panorama, The College Basketball Tournament, Regatta activities, Amateur and Pro-Am Golf Invitationals, the Bowling competition — ALL have registered marked development with an ever-increasing audience. Their wide appeal makes them important members of the Gator Bowl family. This is particularly true of college basket- ball, a fast and thrilling sport recording a remarkable rise in popularity, The flourishing support of and interest in the Gator Bowl College Basketball Tournament indicate that the 20,000 available tickets are destined to become premiums in their own right.
[Photograph of fireworks]
Gator Bowl festivities are not confined solely to sports. The extremely colorful Gatorama also enjoys great spectator acceptance. This display of fireworks and varied entertainment is presented at the Gator Bowl and is open. to the public without charge — a gift to the people of Jacksonville which always generates enthusiastic response.
The gala Coronation Ball rounds out the Gator Bowl activity spectrum by providing a social flavor very much in keeping with the established festive mood, Selection and crowning of the Gator Bowl Queen is always a joyful and long-remembered affair. The Coronation Ball is reserved for the singular participation of Gator Bowl Association members.
With all its size, there is something very personal about the Gator Bowl; and viewed historically, its growth into a major bowl 1s due largely to this personal equation, The people of the Gator Bowl — the membership of the Gator Bowl Association and the thousands upon thousands of satisfied spectator-participants — are responsible for this important characteristic. In line with this, the consistently outstanding Gator Bowl activities
[Bird's-eye-view photograph of the Gator Bowl]
[Two small illustrations of Jacksonville attractions]
are traceable to one common denominator — people who care about their community. And while the Gator Bowl requires the patronage of its people, it is completely dependent upon its planners, The Gator Bowl may seem to materialize automatically; however, this is simply a tribute to the skill and enthusiasm of all the versatile, hard- working, dedicated Jacksonville citizens who give unstintingly of their time and talent to assure Gator Bowl greatness.
[Photograph of the city skyline at night]
[Two small illustrations of Jacksonville attractions]
The Gator Bowl is a year-round activity and necessarily so, After the games are over, plans for the next “bigger and better’ events go on the drawing board, The first step must always be renewal of Gator Bowl Association memberships coupled with a drive for new members. Realization that participating teams receive 75% of Gator Bowl revenue makes this phase of new-year preparation vital, The Gator Bowl Association is a non- profit making organization and_ therefore it falls to membership funds to provide its operating financial structure.
The fortunes of Jacksonville and the Gator Bowl are mutually interwoven in the fabric of common purpose. JOIN the Gator Bowl Association today. You will be advancing the cause of Jacksonville and at the same time you will be doing yourself a favor. ‘The membership fee is $5.00, carrying with it the option to purchase 4 Gator Bowl football tickets as well as priority in buying tickets for the college basketball tournament.
Your participation in the Gator Bowl is cordially invited; your support is needed. Remember, progress is not a private affair.
Chicago Manual of Style
Gator Bowl Association. A promotional brochure for the Gator Bowl Association in partnership with Jacksonville (Fla.), circa 1960. 1960 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/351092>, accessed 4 March 2025.
Gator Bowl Association. A promotional brochure for the Gator Bowl Association in partnership with Jacksonville (Fla.), circa 1960. 1960 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 4 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/351092>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Gator Bowl Association)