The Cigar Industry Changes Florida

Documents and Media

First National Bank of Tampa

From: First Florida Banks, Inc. (Tampa, Fla.), Records, 1874-1992, Collection M99- 5

Director’s Meeting September 27, 1910

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First National Bank Of Tampa (page 1)



Tampa, Florida, Sept. 27, 1910.

Directors’ Meeting

The directors of the First National Bank of Tampa, Florida, met in the Director’s Room of the bank on Tuesday, September 27, 1910. Present were:

T.C. Taliaferro
W.A. Morrison
R.J. Binnicker

The minutes of the last meeting were read and ordered approved.

The Cashier reported that he had counted all the cash in the vaults of the bank, and found same to be correct as recorded in the tellers’ books, and that all accounts with correspondents of this bank had been checked and reconciled as of September 1, 1910, and that the balance shown thereon corresponded with the balance as appearing on the balance book of the bank, that all bills receivable of the bank had this day been checked and balanced by him and found correct, that all the books are properly and correctly kept and balanced daily.

The President reported the sale of $75,000.00 U.S. 2% bonds of the loan of 1930 at One Hundred and three-fourths, plus one sixteenth, and interest. It seemed desirable to sell these bonds in that the Treasury Department reported it was not possible to restore the public money deposit to $200,000.00, hence the bonds were idle. On motion the President’s action was confirmed.

The Cashier stated that as far as he knew all the loans of the bank are good.

There was considerable discussion in regard to the strike of the cigar-makers, which has now been on for about twelve weeks. The cigar manufacturers refuse to meet the demands of their employees, who insist upon a closed shop. There appears at this time no evidence of an early adjustment of the differences. In the meanwhile the business of the city is suffering, and deposits continue to shrink.

There being no further business, on motion the Director’s meeting adjourned.

T.C. Taliaferro, President.

R.J. Binnicker, Secretary.