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Brevard County Students' Mercury Tracking Station
From: Florida State Department of Education, Superintendent of Public Instruction Thomas D. Bailey subject files, 1949-1965 (Series 1127, Box 4, File Folder Cape Canaveral)
Many Floridians believed part of the challenge of getting ahead of the Soviets in Space Age technology was to interest more students in scientific and technical careers. This series of letters documents a project sponsored by the Society of American Military Engineers to introduce Brevard County students to aerospace technology.
Letter from Don Heintzelman, April 4, 1963
Letter from Don Heintzelman, youth program director for the Society of American Military Engineers at Patrick Air Force Base, Canaveral Post.
"There is no similar project, space oriented, which so forcefully demonstrates the national space leadership Florida is providing."

Letter from Don Heintzelman, April 4, 1963
Canaveral Post
The Society of American Military Engineers
Dedicated to the national defense
Box 4911
Patrick Air Force Base
427 Charles Drive
Eau Gallie, Florida
4 April 1963
Mr. Stanmore Cawthon
News Bureau
New State Office Building
Tallahassee, Florida
Dear Stan:
Since 1960, the CANAVERAL POST has been concerned about the steady national decline in the number of students who are selecting science and engineering for their careers. Because of this concern, we initiated the STUDENTS MERCURY TRACKING STATION PROJECT in 1961 as a means of generating country-wide teenage interest in space sciences and engineering technology.
After tracking John Glenn's flight, the students regrouped to expand the scope of their project to junior high schools and to acquire ne instrumentation systems. The results of many months of hard work are about to be realized. The modern, dynamic fully operational BREVARD COUNTY STUDENTS MERCURY TRACKING STATION is approaching the time for its dry-run test and check-out. This test will be conducted under the same discipline, and using the same test operations directive as is employed at Cape Canaveral.
Since the scope of this space educational project was too big for a single school to accomplish, the CANAVERAL POST organized the project into small tasks with more than a hundred students from Titusville, Cocoa, Satellite, Melbourne and Central Catholic High Schools, and Clearlake, Edgewood, Eau Gallie and Southwest Junior High Schools participating. IN addition, we arranged for students at Vero Beach and Tampa to perform functions as Down Range Stations. (Three sites are linked via licensed ham radio.)
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The STUDENTS MERCURY TRACKING STATION has fully operational radar, telemetry, tracking optics, communications, closed loop TV, Mercury Control and Orbital Tracking Board and WWV central timing. Real-time count-down and data is acquired and recorded on tape. Dynamic instrumentation displays on the console panels keep track and indicate Mercury test status and launch events exactly as at Central Control at the Cape.
The University Club (missile contractor executives) is providing the space and facilities (in a Florida Palm Patio) required for setting up the station at the Cape Colony Inn, Cocoa Beach. This is also press headquarters for the next Mercury MA-9 mission.
Stan, "You can realize the importance of this project by thinking about its national teenager space educational aspects." This tracking station is, in fact, the free world's first space tracking station to be built and operated by students in secondary schools (the youngest boy is in the 7th grade; the oldest is eighteen and a senior.....five very pretty girls operate instrumentation and help to stress the broad scope of teenager interest). Florida teenagers are really providing nationwide leadership in response to President Kennedy's stated Youth Technical Education Program.
This project has had the cooperation of PAA/RCA, Radiation, ICF, General Dynamics and other engineers. Karel Bossert, father of the Atlas Missile System and Technical Director of General Dynamics Space Division has personally endorsed and assisted in the project.
In substance, this is a fine example of Floridians working together in support of a common objective. Engineers, executives, teachers, labor unions, mechanics and retired Floridians have responded to teenage needs as has the Air Force, NASA and other governmental agencies. There is no similar project, space oriented, which so forcefully demonstrates the national space leadership Florida is providing.
We respectfully request the presence of His Honor, Governor Bryant at the dry run at which time you can obtain news coverage as you may require. Further, we request that His Honor use his good office to obtain the attendance of the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare as the personal representative of President Kennedy. Governor Bryant can specify the date of the test and
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checkout at his convenience (between 22 April and 4 May, inclusive). The next Mercury mission (according to NASA) currently scheduled for approximately 7 May.
Be assured that the station configuration, its students and activities, its consoles, tracking guns, tracking telescopes and radar dishes, all in a Florida setting warrants the considerable effort you must plan to achieve nationwide coverage: however, the opportunity to show educational accomplishment under the present administration is without precedent.
Don Heintzelman
Thomas Bailey to Don Heintzelman, May 17, 1963
Letter from Florida Superintendent of Public Instruction Thomas D. Bailey to Don Heintzelman, May 17, 1963
"May I congratulate you and the young people under your supervision for the excellent display of tracking station equipment which I observed Monday."

Thomas Bailey to Don Heintzelman, May 17, 1963
May 17, 1963
Mr. Don Heintzelman
Youth Program Director
Canaveral Post
American Military Engineers
Box 4311
Patrick Air Force Base, Florida
Dear Mr. Heintzelman:
May I congratulate you and the young people under your supervision for the excellent display of tracking station equipment which I observed Monday. The experiences of these young people gave practical application to the theory of science education.
Following your telephone call Tuesday morning, I telephoned Superintendent Woodrow Darden who indicated he would follow through with the respective principals in regard to the students not being penalized for their participation in this project.
With kind personal regards, I am
Cordially yours,
Don Heintzelman to Thomas Bailey, May 24, 1963
Letter from Don Heintzelman to Thomas D. Bailey, May 24, 1963
"Florida’s pioneering leadership in space education in secondary schools has been broadcast throughout the entire United States, Canada, and the British Empire. Further, British TV films were distributed to France and Italy with appropriate translations of the commentary."

Don Heintzelman to Thomas Bailey, May 24, 1963
Canaveral Post
The Society of American Military Engineers
Dedicated to the National Defense
Box 4911
Patrick Air Force Base
24 May 1963
Dear Sir:
It is increasingly clear that your significant personal support of the Brevard Students’ Mercury Tracking Station Project was a major factor in accomplishing worldwide recognition. Florida’s pioneering leadership in space education in secondary schools has been broadcast throughout the entire United States, Canada, and the British Empire. Further, British TV films were distributed to France and Italy with appropriate translations of the commentary.
A summary of the coverage we have confirmed and the future nationwide coverage we have arranged will be provided for your review at a later date.
In retrospect, this project is without parallel when considered in terms of Floridians working together to pioneer and promote the interests of Florida’s Spaceage Education Program.
The Canaveral Post thanks you for your kind assistance and invites your continued interest in the tracking stations which will be set up at Cocoa and Satellite High Schools next year. These stations will be built and operated by the schools. Although we will provide guidance and material support on request, this Post will not participate in test or mission activities. This policy is established to guard the leadership and interests of the Florida State Education system.
Don Heintzelman
Youth Program Director
Canaveral Post
American Military Engineers
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