The Florida Seminoles
Lesson Plans
Treaty of Fort Gibson, 1833

the 9th day of May 1832, have since examined the land designated for them by the undersigned Commissioners, on behalf of the United States, and have expressed themselves satisfied with the same, in and by their letter date, March 1833, addressed to the undersigned Commissioners.
[Commissioners designate land for the Seminole.]
Now, therefore, the Commissioners aforesaid, by virtue of the power and authority vested in them by the treaty made with Creek Indians on the 14th day of February 1833, as above state, hereby designate and assign to the Seminole tribe of Indians, for their separate future residence, forever, a tract of country lying between the Canadian river and the north fork thereof, and extending west to where a line running north and south between the main Canadian and north branch, will strike the forks of Little river, provided said west line does not extend more than twenty-five miles west from the mouth of said Little river. And the undersigned Seminole chiefs, delegated as aforesaid, on behalf of their nation hereby declare themselves will satisfied with the location provided for them by the Commissioners, and agree that their nation shall commence the removal to their new home, as soon as the Government will make arrangements for their emigration, satisfactory to the Seminole nation.
[Major Phagan to superintend removal of Indians.]
And whereas, the said Seminoles have expressed high confidence in the friendship and ability of their present agent, Major Phagan, and desire that he may be permitted to remove them to their new homes west of the Mississippi; the Commissioners have considered their request, and cheerfully recommended Major Phagan as a suitable person to be employed to remove the Seminoles as aforesaid, and trust his appointment will be made, not only to gratify the wishes of the Indians but as conducive to the public welfare.
In testimony whereof, the commissioners on behalf of the United States, and the delegates of the Seminole nation, have hereunto signed their names, this 28th day of March, A.D. 1833, at fort Gibson.
Montfort Stokes,
Henry L. Ellsworth,
John F. Schermerhorn.
Seminole Delegates:
John Hick, representing Sam Jones, his x mark
Holata Emartta, his x mark
Jumper, his x mark
Coi Hadgo, his x mark
Charley Emartta, his x mark
Ya-ha-hadge, his x mark
Ne-ha-tho-clo, representing Fuch-a-lusti-hadgo, his x mark,
On behalf of the Seminole nation.