Florida and the Spanish-American War of 1898


David Lang on Florida Troops and the "Colored Immunes"

From: Territorial and State Governors letterbooks, 1836-1909 (Series 32, Volume 51, page 228)

Series 32 contains the official outgoing correspondence, in bound letterpress volumes, of Florida's territorial and state governors from 1836-1909. The records reflect the official, constitutional and political duties of the Office of Governor.

In this letter, David Lang describes the Florida troops raised in response to orders from the President. Lang mentions a regiment of "colored immunes." African-American soldiers and nurses were referred to as immunes because of the mistaken belief that they were naturally immune to tropical diseases.


July 30/1898

Mr. Robert H. Puckett,
Birmingham, Ala.

Dear Sir:-

In reply to yours of the 28th. Inst. tendering a company to fill Florida’s quota of troops called for by the President, I have to say that Florida’s quota was filled promptly and that 8 companies of infantry, & 2 of artillery of the regularly organized State Troops, besides one regiment of colored immunes, and numerous other volunteer companies are ‘hanging on by their eyebrows’ awaiting the next call.

Very respectfully

D. Lang

Private Secretary.