Family history research is one of the most popular hobbies in America. Here at the State Library and Archives of Florida, we collect many different resources to help you research your ancestors.
Maybe you want to learn more about what country your family originally came from or you’d like to know more about your distant (or even not so distant) relatives. If you’re interested in becoming a family history detective, then get ready to explore the wonderful world of genealogy!
Step 1
Complete a Pedigree Chart
To the best of your ability, complete a pedigree chart (PDF) that covers three generations. Start with yourself, your parents, and your grandparents.

Step 2
Complete a Family Group Sheet
Complete a family group sheet (PDF). Please select one parent and their parents (your grandparents!) to focus on for the remainder of this project.

Step 3
Conduct an Interview
Using the interview worksheet (PDF), interview the parent or grandparents you chose to learn more information about for this project. You may also choose to interview a family friend or other relative who could answer questions about your parent or grandparents.

Step 4
Gather several different primary source documents regarding your parents and grandparents. Fill out the resource worksheet (PDF), and identify the purpose of each document.

Step 5
Biographical Summary
Using the resources you acquired and the charts you completed, write a 1-2 page biographical summary of your family's history and adventures.
If there are photos, documents or stories that you want to share further, you can create a video about yourself and the parent and grandparents you researched.