Distant Storm: Florida's Role in the Civil War
A Sesquicentennial Exhibit
An Act to provide for calling a convention of the people of the State of Florida
Series: (Series 2153, Territorial and Early Statehood Records, 1821-1878)
Page 3 of 4
Civil War

A bill to be entitled
An Act to provide for calling a convention of the people of the State of Florida.
Section 1. Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Florida in General Assembly convened, That a convention of the people of the State of Florida is hereby ordained to be assembled in the City of Tallahassee on Thursday the third day of January Anno Domini One thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty one, for the purpose of taking into consideration the dangers incident to the position of this State in the Federal Union, established by the Constitution of the United States of America, and the measures which may be necessary and proper for providing against the same, and to amend the constitution of the State of Florida so far as the same in the judgment of said convention may be necessary, and thereupon to take care that the commonwealth of Florida Shall suffer no detriment.
Sec 2. Be it further enacted that an election for members of the said Convention shall be held at the several election precincts in the State on Saturday the twenty Second day of December Anno Domini Eighteen hundred and Sixty, and said election shall be governed by the same rules, and returns shall be made in the same manner now prescribed by law for elections for members of the General Assembly of the State.
Sec 3. Be it further Enacted that each Senatorial district in this State shall be entitled to elect one member to said Convention, each county entitled to Separate representation in the lower House of the general assembly shall be entitled to elect the same number to the said convention of members to which said County is entitled in the House of Representatives of the General Assembly, and where two or more Counties together constitute one representative District in the general assembly, then said counties shall together be entitled to elect the same number of members to the said Convention to which they are entitled in the House of Representatives of the General Assembly. The members of the said convention shall be entitled to the same pay and mileage allowed to members of the General Assembly, and all citizens of the State of Florida entitled to the right of suffrage shall be eligible to the said convention.
Sec 4. Be it further enacted that should any vacancy occur in the said Convention, it shall be the duty of the several judges of probate of the probates of the County or representative district from which said vacancy did occur to order an election to fill said vacancy giving five days notice thereof.
Sec 5. Be it further enacted that a majority of said Convention shall be a quorum to do business. They may employ such officers and incur such expenses as may dee in their opinion be necessary, which expenses shall upon the certificate of the President of the said Convention, be audited by the Comptroller of public accounts and paid by the Treasurer; and the ordinances of said Convention shall be the Supreme law of the State of Florida any thing elsewhere to the Contrary notwithstanding.
Sec 6. Be it further Enacted that the Governor of the State shall issue his proclamation to have this act carried into effect, and shall have the said proclamation published in every newspaper printed in the State, and give such further notice as will in his opinion ensure the greatest publicity.