Distant Storm: Florida's Role in the Civil War
A Sesquicentennial Exhibit
Petitioners to Madison S. Perry, February 20, 1861
Series: (Series 887, Florida Legislature Records, 1845-1911)
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Civil War

Volusia County
Florida Febry 20th 1861
To His Excellency Madison S Perry
Governor of the State of Florida
We the undersigned resident Citizens of Volusia County would respectfully represent to your Excellency that in the imperiling and critical state of our present National affairs, the Sea Coast of our County and of the other Counties bordering and lying on the Atlantic, are liable at any moment to be invaded by a hostile force or Band of Marauders, who from the sparsely populated state of most of these Counties near the Coast, would at any time be able to land, and commit such acts of hostility and depredation as would in a short time, drive them from their homes and render the inhabitants thereof utterly destitute, or cause them to lose all the fruits of many years labor, toil and industry.
Under these apparent circumstances your Petitioners would respectfully request your Excellency to urge upon the General Assembly the necessity of providing some means of defense for our common safety; and at the same time would beg leave to suggest to your consideration, that a Steamer of proper Draft of water to enter the different Bars and Inlets on the Atlantic portion of our State, well manned and properly manned ^armed, under a skillful commander—well acquainted with our Coast, would prevent our enemies from landing, and would protect our lives and property.
Your petitioners would also further suggest that this Coast Guard, whilst in the line of its duties, could also be made a Medium of transporting the mails from one Port on our Atlantic Coast to another.
With due Respect we submit our Petition for your favorable consideration
Page Two (Signatures)
John D. Sheldon
G. W. Collins
D. T. Jones
B Pacetti
A Sheldon
J. A. Russell
J. C. Murray
E. K. Lord
W. M. Sharpe
Wm Sharpe
Geo. Shelton
E. Sufman
? Carpenter
Jacob Branch?
Rich. N. Jeffreys
J. A. Jeffreys