Distant Storm: Florida's Role in the Civil War
A Sesquicentennial Exhibit
J. H. Kirkman to My Dear Cousin, August 24, 1861
Series: (M92-1, Call and Brevard Family Papers)
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Civil War

Camp Yancy
Warrington FLa
Aug 24th 1861
My Dear Cousin
I received a few days since your most welcome, interesting, and to me, unexpected letter. I hope you will excuse my delay in responding. But we are at present very busy in repairing our batteries, one of which leaked so badly that our powder in the magazine was rendered unfit for use. We also for the last four or five days, have been drilling nearly all day at Battalion Drill at double quick and after being so busy all day when night comes I am so exhausted in body that I haven’t the energy to use the mind. But as soon as roll call is over, retire to my hammock and am soon dreaming of battles and the loved ones at home. There is a rumor current here and generally credited that we are to fight here in ten days or
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two weeks. Our reasons for thinking so are very good ones. He (Gen. Bragg) is letting those who are unfit for duty have discharges and furloughs. A surgeon applied a few days since for a furlough, he was refused, and told, that, in twenty days every surgeon in the Army here, would be needed. But if he wasn’t needed at the expiration of that time, he might have gone for any length of time he wished. He also refuses the well and officers when they apply. There is to be an inspection of the whole of the forces here on the 30th. Some suppose to select the best drilled Regiments to be the storming party. Ergo, we are exerting ourselves to the utmost as we wish to be selected. There is to be a Mississippian shot here next month, for killing a Sergeant whilst in the discharge of his duty. I am expecting, everyday, an order from the Sec of War to proceed to Virginia to join McFarland’s [Captain Robert McFarland] company in the 4th Ala Regt, whither I am very anxious to be transferred. But intend remaining here to participate
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soon and then proceed to Virginia as I wish to be at the taking of Washington City. I do hope they will fight here soon, as I am very tired waiting for one. If I go to Virginia I will seek out cousin Mary’s husband, Give my love to all the family and ask cousin Mary to write to me. With many thanks for the interest you manifest for my welfare and your many kind offers I remain
Your Aff Cousin
J. H. Kirkman