Claude Rahn’s journal entry dated December 17, 1911
Series: (Series N2009- 3, Koreshan Unity; Papers, ca. 1887-1990.)
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Koreshan Unity

Dec. 17. Laurie worked today (Sunday), about 2:30 in the afternoon decided I would take a walk to the Congressional Library, and on my way stop in at some lunch room and get dinner. I selected the capital lunch at First st and Pa Ave., and what was my surprise upon entering to find Henry Silverfriend seated at one of the tables eating. We were glad to see each other and while seated opposite each other eating, he told his story. I had heard of him being in Chicago, and was quite surprised to see him here. He is engaged in disposing of his book, “The science of Chirology” and met with some success in Chgo. Along with his book he is talking Koreshanity, and the Chgo Tribune has promised to give him Sunday space free for an article on palmistry and also something concerning Koreshanity. From Chgo. He went to New York and was quite successful, having received the promise of a page of The New York World for an article similar to the one he will submit to the Chgo paper. From New York he came to Phila. and having a letter of introduction to the Curtes Pub. Co., visited them and was cordially received. He got into Wash. Last night and expects to remain until about Wednesday, going thence to Balto. He has a room above the lunch room, and invited me up to look over his copy for the newspapers. I found a Mr. Cockran in his room, busily engaged in typewriting his article. Mr. Cockran is from near Burlington, Vermont, and has been interested in Koreshanity for about 12 years. He appeared to one of these unfortunate, hard luck fellows and was not much impressed. Eugene Webster called a little later, but I left about 4:30p.m.