Correspondence from Dr. Teed to Dr. Andrews, 1887
Series: (Series N2009- 3, Koreshan Unity; Papers, ca. 1887-1990.)
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Koreshan Unity

Dear Dr I have no special news to impart further than the fact that I expect a paper out next week. I have been very busy for two weeks or since Delia returned to B. It seems as if I am crowded from some source to perform this work of transmitting to paper these truths. It surprised me to see how steady I can write without giving out. My whole time during daylight is occupied. I do not try to write much by lamp light on account of my eyes, though I do write some evenings.
I am researching some of the grandest truths now that were ever given to man to understand, and while I rejoice in the fact that through them the world will come into eternal life, I am humbled at the thought that God as appointed me so insignificant and so unworthy, as a natural man to communicate his purposes to the world.
From the time I left you to go to Homer there seemed to come upon new [?] spirit. It seemed to me that our parting was one of the saddest of my life. No other man has ever had the power over my whole interior life as you. I cannot tell you the depth of my love, it is beyond the power of expression. I feel that in it there is a bond of unity that will move by and by like a mighty leaver, the spiritual universe, it will be impossible for me to publish in the issue much of the matter I have prepared but I trust that soon it will flow out to the world. I know that this truth is to save the world and it is the only thing that can. Dr would it be any object to you to keep that book of Oliver’s for the Medicine case. I mean Grover Coe’s book on concentrative remedies. If you would care to make the trade, he would be glad to do so, he is going to Utica and I told him I would write you about it do not do it if the case is worth more to you for it is no object to me in any way. I write simply to accommodate Oliver, I would be glad to write much more, but I can’t do justice to you or myself without entering into matter of…[paper torn]…is it is for the cause sake that I do not write more that would take more time than I can spare now. You will excuse