Excerpt from Virginia Andrews’ journal, May 3, 1892
Series: (Series N2009- 3, Koreshan Unity; Papers, ca. 1887-1990.)
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Koreshan Unity

Tuesday May 3rd 92.
The hardest struggle in our coming I ever had I had this morning at the idea of going down to the train, marching back from Union Depot to Wabash Ave. in procession, and being part of a spectacle to the outside world generally. It carried me back to October 8th, 1888, the time of the Koreshan convention when Dr. wanted us to sit on the platform. However, I conquered and went, and as then, I am very glad I did. The Californians arrived at 8:00 O’clock–30 of them in charge of Mr. Marston. 35 went down to meet them, and we formed in procession and marched to Wabash Avenue to the cable cars, of course, attracting considerable attention as we filed up the street. Our outside friends were here to welcome them.
Many spent the day, and a nice dinner was served in their honor. Doctor gave us a very touching and impressive after-dinner talk concerning the amalgamation of the two societies that had come from east and from the West. Many from the Pacific Coast and others from the Atlantic and had met together at this common center, actuated by one purpose and aim. He prophesied wonderful and speedy results for this union, and I feel myself that it is a very momentous day for our movement.
Though our habitation is crowded to the utmost, we are all glad and willing to be thus inconvenienced for the sake of furthering this forward movement and for the impetus thus given this wondrous work, the work of the age. Reporters have been thick today, and the accounts in the afternoon papers varied and amusing, but not always truthful. Several newcomers had to be entertained outside and it required no small amount of skill and tact to adjust this numerous family to their crowded quarters. We number now just 100.