Constitution and Bylaws, Society Arch Triumphant, 1887
Series: (Series N2009- 3, Koreshan Unity; Papers, ca. 1887-1990.)
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Koreshan Unity
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Constitution and By Laws Of Society Arch Triumphant
We are associated under the auspices of the “Triummphant Assembly” and its associate “College of Life
The general design of the organization is to institute a course of action in harmony with the purposes of the “Assembly of the New Covenant” or Church Triumphant and to aid in the development and spread of the Assembly and its doctrins and to augment the power and influence of the College in the promulgation of its principles.
The officers of the society shall consists of a President - Vice President - Secretary and Treasurer
If necessary at any time other Vice Presidents and assistant
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Secretaries may by elected when required by the Society
The membership of the Society may consist of both sexes but under all circumstances there shall be at least three ladies elected to and retained in official positions.
There shall be a full election of officers yearly and the choice of officers shall be made by ballot on the 15th of Jan of each year
The initiation of membership shall be by ballot – a vote of two thirds of a quorum being essential to the acceptance of a member 15 members constitute a quorum