Lincoln Letters
Ellen Call Long diary, fragments, 1864-1865 (Page 2 of 10)
Series: (M92-1) Box 12, Folder 1, Item 1
Lincoln Letters
Lincoln Letters
January 8th [1865] It is now rumored that Gov. Brown of Georgia has sent a messenger to Lincoln proposing to return to the Union if he will allow Georgia to do so with her institutions as they existed before the war and that the Congress of the United States have agreed that they nor Lincoln have any right to legislate upon slavery, it being a question for the states to decide themselves, if this is so, the war is over . . . [2]
[2] Governor Joseph E. Brown of Georgia was one of the loudest critics of Jefferson Davis’ leadership of the Confederacy. After the fall of Atlanta, Brown favored a negotiated end to the war that would allow individual southern states to decide for or against reentering the Union.