Lincoln Letters

Draft of Letter, November 1, 1860, Richard K. Call, Lake Jackson, to Mr. Hart (Page 2 of 4)

Date: November 1, 1860

Series: (M92-1)

Lincoln Letters

Lincoln Letters

Draft of Letter, November 1, 1860, Richard K. Call, Lake Jackson, to Mr. Hart

Page 3

...Then I say should Mr. Lincoln be elected, let him be inaugurated without resistance. And yet I am disposed to show not by words but by decisive action the just indignation of our insulted people by his temporary usurpation of the government, and that if he has the temerity to attempt to put in practice the theory of his political faith, that such attempt will call up an armed resistance which will drive him and his cohorts from the National Capital.

But you say I “was exceedingly severe against those who would hold office under him.” I am not aware of that severity beyond the bounds of truth and justice. And if these have inflicted wounds, I have no balm to heal, no palliation from offense. I did express an earnest hope that every political office holder in the State of Florida may be inspired by that Southern pride, that lofty patriotism which will induce him on the election of Mr. Lincoln to send forward his resignation to take affect on the 4th of March next. If they have not that pride, if they have not that patriotism, then it is no fault of mine but the misfortune of their country. [2]


[2] March 4 was Inauguration Day for the president until the ratification of the 20th Amendment in 1933 changed the date to January 20.