Lincoln Letters

Ellen Call Long diary, fragments, 1864-1865 (Page 9 of 9)

Series: (M92-1) Box 12, Folder 1, Item 1

Lincoln Letters

Lincoln Letters

Ellen Call Long diary, fragments, 1864-1865

[No date] Some where in N. Carolina that has been, some time before the Surrender, in the hands of the Federals, some “White Niger” influenced the negros to hang their church in mourning for Lincoln. I saw a letter in the ”Tribune” yesterday from the same piebald individual, in which he greatly eulogizes these “faithful” creatures who wish to have a “Bust” of the great and good man, Lincoln who had knocked off their chains, to adorn their church. In the same paper I read a full account of the obsequies of the dead President. I do not think that there was ever any thing like it in the world. From Washington City to his place of internment in Illinois, might be called one funeral procession. [6] In every city through which his body passed



[6] “White Nigger” was a derogatory term for a white person who did manual labor or for a light skinned black person. Piebald was a term for a person of mixed race. The “Tribune” may refer to the New York Tribune.