Lincoln Letters
Francis R. Nicks Letter, 1863 (Page 1 of 4)
Series: (M88-3)
Lincoln Letters
Lincoln Letters

Page 1
Tullahoma, Tenn March the 9th 1863
Dear Mike
I seat my self this morning to write you according to promise. This informes you that I am well at present and enjoying fine health. With the exception of a bad cold my general health is better than it has been for some time. Hope this few lines will reach you safe and find you an the family enjoying the same blessings. The Boys are all well an in fine spirits. We have but verry little sickness at this time and the weather is very pleasant this morning. Although it has been very cold and wet. Mike, this is the worst country I ever saw in my life. It rains all the time and
Additional: Francis Rinaldo Nicks served in Company C, Third Florida Infantry Regiment. He was born around 1837 in Leon County, moving with his family to Hernando County in 1855.