Lincoln Letters
Francis R. Nicks Letter, 1863 (Page 3 of 4)
Series: (M88-3)
Lincoln Letters
Lincoln Letters
Page 3
Chimneys to them. We get plenty to Eats. I suppose you have heard the Death of James Ellis. Poor fellow, I do feel so sorry for him and his family. Benton has gone to Hospital. [2]
I tell you Mike, Old Jeneral Bragg is being tight on us. We can’t get a furlough unless we are going to Die and every man that don’t report to his command soon will be reported as deserters an treated as such.
Well, Mike, I did think some time back there was some likely hood of peace but now from what I can learn their is no such good news. Every person I hear speak of it says it will last as long as Lincoln’s administration last. I hope the old rascal will Die. Jeneral Joseph E. Johnson is going to inspect our Brigade tomorrow. [3] We are in
[2] James Light Ellis and Thomas Benton Ellis both served in Company C. James died in Union captivity from a wound received at Murfreesboro. Thomas or “Ben” Ellis was wounded and captured at Perryville but was exchanged and survived the war.
[3] In 1863, General Joseph E. Johnston headed the Department of the West, the Confederate command responsible for the defense of Mississippi and Tennessee.
Additional: Francis Rinaldo Nicks served in Company C, Third Florida Infantry Regiment. He was born around 1837 in Leon County, moving with his family to Hernando County in 1855.