Letter from the Board of Health of Putnam County
Date: September 16, 1888
Series: S 577 - State governors' incoming correspondence, 1857-1888.
County Correspondence - County Boards of Health of: 1888 Escambia, Putnam, and Volusia
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Board of Health
Putnam County
Palatka, Fla. Sept 16 1888
To His Excellency
Gov. E. A. Perry
Tallahassee Fla
Dear Sir:
We the undersigned County Boards
of Health do respectfully request that if you
should deem it expedient to request the General
Government to take under immediate control all
infected places in the State of Florida, and place
a cordon around those places, and to institute
any other stringent measures that the Marin Hos-
pital Service may deem necessary to confine the
epidemic to its present limits – thus relieving
Jacksonville and other infected points from the
arduous duties of protecting themselves from
tramps and indigent persons who are flocking
to those places for the purpose of theft and imposi-
tion regardless of danger of becoming infected,
and at the same time protect non-infected
places from the danger of the introduction