"Save me from my friends."

Date: November 20, 1888

Series: S 577 - State governors' incoming correspondence, 1857-1888.

County Correspondence - County Boards of Health of: 1888 Escambia, Putnam, and Volusia

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Early Florida Medicine



public generally. Mr. Peterson has

uninterruptedly continued to go to and

fro the city almost daily. and

while in the city frequently visited

fever patients and even rendered nurs-

ing attentions.

About two months ago, Mr

DeWit and family – near neighbors of

Mr. Peterson were prostrated by the

fever. later fresh cases were re-

ported from Mr. Petersons house, and

farther back then ten days ago

additional cases of fever in Peter-

sons household were officially re-

ported in the Times Union .

One would suppose these

matters were enough to terrorize

the neighbors but the worst discour-

aging feature yet is that though

an infected district, the Trustee of

the Public School has assumed the



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