"Save me from my friends."
Date: November 20, 1888
Series: S 577 - State governors' incoming correspondence, 1857-1888.
County Correspondence - County Boards of Health of: 1888 Escambia, Putnam, and Volusia
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public generally. Mr. Peterson has
uninterruptedly continued to go to and
fro the city almost daily. and
while in the city frequently visited
fever patients and even rendered nurs-
ing attentions.
About two months ago, Mr
DeWit and family – near neighbors of
Mr. Peterson were prostrated by the
fever. later fresh cases were re-
ported from Mr. Petersons house, and
farther back then ten days ago
additional cases of fever in Peter-
sons household were officially re-
ported in the Times Union .
One would suppose these
matters were enough to terrorize
the neighbors but the worst discour-
aging feature yet is that though
an infected district, the Trustee of
the Public School has assumed the