Escambia County Board of Health.

Date: November 1, 1888

Series: S 577 - State governors' incoming correspondence, 1857-1888.

County Correspondence - County Boards of Health of: 1888 Escambia, Putnam, and Volusia

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Early Florida Medicine


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Office of the Board of Health

R. W. Hargis, M. D., President. ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA.

A. C. Christin, Sect’y & Treasurer.

Pensacola, November 1st 1888


E. A. Perry


Dear Sir

This Board is desirous of raising

quarantine against all points in Florida that

are not infected, will you therefore have the

kindness to send me the names of all places

known to be infected.


Yr Obt Sert

R. W. Hargis M. D.

Pres Es C Bd of H.


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