Civil War Veterans Medical Journal of Dr. Thomas H. Hammond of Oxford, Florida, 1896-1903.
Date: 1896-1903
Series: N2009-5 - Civil War veterans medical journal, 1896-1903.
Civil War Veterans Medical Journal.
(Page 8 of 9)
[page 192]
Attention is invited to the outlines of the human skeleton and figure upon the
back of
this certificate, and they should be used whenever it is possible to indicate
precisely the location
of a disease or injury, the entrance and exit of a missile, an amputation, &c.
[column 1-instructions]
Insert character
and number of
Name and rank
of claimant.
Claimant's post-
office address.
Cause of disa-
If a pensioner, fill
in the amount;
if not, erase the
whole line.
Here give the
as briefly and
as compactly
as possible.
Here give a full
description of
the disabili-
ties, in accord-
ance with Book
of Instructions
The actual or
probable origin
of every exist-
ing disability
must be fully
set forth.
Whenever a disa-
bility is shown,
or is believed
to be due to or
aggravated by
vicious habits
the opinion of
the board must
be stated.
When not due
to such habits
this fact must
be stated.
[column 2]
Increase Pension Claim No. 268.157
[State above whether for original, increase, or restoration.]
Washington Thompson , Rank, Sergt
Company B, 99 Reg't U.S.C Mf Oxford Fla State,
[Post-office address of the Surgeon.]
Brooksville Fla Aug 6 , 189 . 1902
[Date of examination.]
I hereby certify that in compliance with the requirement s of the law I have
examine this applicant, who states that he is suffering from the following disability,
in the service, viz: central hernia from incise
wound, shell wound of left arm and right
anckle [sic] and fibula in
and that he received a pensions of Ten dollars per month.
He makes the following statement upon which he bases his claim for Increase
[original, increase, restoration, &c.]
Recvd incised wound of abdomen in the
service which produced ventral hernia,
this wound was treated with ice, the water
running under him caused an abscess
around the rectum causing fistula, he recvd
a shell wound of left arm and right
ankle causing paralysis
Upon examination I find the following objective conditions: Pulse rate, 76
respiration, 24 ; temperature, 98.2 [degrees]; height, 5 feet 10 inches; weight,
pounds; age, 70 years. I find a scar from an incise
wound 4 1/2 through the umbilicus and
a hernia comes pronding to the scar
about the size of a goose egg. He has
numerous fistulous openings about
the anus and marks of an operation
The motion of right arm is impaired
he can raise it to a level only. Has scar
on right ankle 4 in diameter
His disability from age ventral hernia
fistula in arm is total of $12 per month,
permanent and not due to vicious
Amend Sep 20th, I don't know whether a trns would retain
the ventral hernia or not. Disability for ventral
hernia 12/18 ths. - Rectum. Can say but little more
part greatly enlarged, discharging and a deep
scar the result of an unsuccessful operation
disability for anal fistula 15/18ths
shell wound of left arm & find no evidence of this
though he thinks he was injured by the bursting
of a shell in some inexplicable manner (OVER.)
. He is, in my opinion, entitled to a
rating for the disability caused by , for that caused
by , and for that caused by
Thos. H. Hammond , Examining Surgeon.
N. B.-- Always forward a certificate of examination whether a disability is
found to exist or not.