"Ode to Health;

Date: 1896-1903

Series: N2009-5 - Civil War veterans medical journal, 1896-1903.

Civil War Veterans Medical Journal.

(Page 5 of 24)

Early Florida Medicine


Untitled Document

[page 5]
To call poison a medicine is a missnomer,
and giving it a wrong name, and is thereby calculated
to deceive. Under all circumstances it is an enemy
to life and health and never until sin can produce
holiness, can poison produce health. The nature of
both is to destroy; and never until sin can purify
the soul and fit it for heaven, can poison purify
the body and prepare it to enjoy the blessing of health.
The natural tendency of sin is to pollute and ruin
the soul. The natural tendency of poison, when taken
into the system, is to beget disease, and impurity, to
destroy health and prematurely ruin and destroy
the patient, and this is always its tendency whether administered by friend or foe, in sickness or in health.
Like sin it is "evil, only evil, and that continually."
Mercury Hydrargyrum
"It is a curious fact among the "curiosities of
literature," that the standard books recognize fifty
one distinct diseases resulting from the medical ad-
ministration of the various preparations of mercury."
Dr Grall [??]. Encl. v. 2. P 313.

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