"Ode to Health;

Date: 1896-1903

Series: N2009-5 - Civil War veterans medical journal, 1896-1903.

Civil War Veterans Medical Journal.

(Page 7 of 24)

Early Florida Medicine


Untitled Document

[page 7]
"Our best Medicines are Poisons."
So say prominent physicians, and teachers of
medical science in the Allopathic Schools both
in Europe and America. Hooper in his Med.
Dicy. Says, "all our most valuable are active poisons."
Prof. Paine in his, Institutes, says, "Remedial agents
opperate upon the same principle as the remote causes
of disease. They can never transmute the morbid
into healthy conditions, that is alone the work of nature."
"The most violent poisons are our best remedies."
See Prof. Curtis' Med. Crit. No 47, 48.
Dr. J.B. Newman in his "Home Doctor["] says, "Medicines
then never cure of themselves; they only induce a different disease." "Whenever a cure is effected in disease it is
nature that performs it, in other words, the vis medicatrix working for her." "There is in the body a secret principle,
which never manifests itself except to cure in disease.
When unhealthy influence opperate on the life power, it
sinks under them, and a chill is distinctly felt; the sinking
would continue until death ensued were it not for this secret principle, called the conservative power, or Vis Medicatrix Naturae: this power uses up and does battle with the injurious influence, the fewer and other symptoms that are seen succeeding

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