"Ode to Health;
Date: 1896-1903
Series: N2009-5 - Civil War veterans medical journal, 1896-1903.
Civil War Veterans Medical Journal.
(Page 13 of 24)
[page 13]
be cautious how we speak of quacks; for often
when we resign the patient in despair is cured
under their treatment." Dr. Gates, "Med. Truth Teller."
On an other ocasion addressing the students;
he said, "Gentlemen, Nature does a great deal, but the
doctors do but little."
Mercury - Further Testimony
"Practitioners of the first respectibility prescribe
on every triffling ocasion calomel, or the blue pill."
"But when the effects of mercury upon the human
body are accurately investigated and duly considered,
it cannot fail to appear, that infinite injury must
accrue from its use."
"Preparations of mercury, exhibited either internally
or externally for any length of time, increase in general
the action of the heart and arteries, and produce salivation, followed by emaciation
and debility, with an extremely
iritable state of the whole system."
"Accelerated circulation of the blood in consequence of the
use of mercury is attending with the most obvious of
the circumstances which arise from inflammation.
Blood drawn from the arm of the most delicate and
debilitated individual, subjected to a coure ??? of mercurial