Research Tools

A Guide to Civil War Records at the State Archives of Florida
A guide to records at the State Archives of Florida pertaining to Florida's role in the American Civil War.

Florida Governors and the Florida Cabinet
A guide to Florida's territorial and state governors, as well as the members of their cabinets. The guide includes lists of relevant archival collections at the State Archives of Florida.

Guide to Black History Collections in the State Archives of Florida
A guide to government records and manuscript collections at the State Archives of Florida relating to the experiences of African Americans in Florida.

Collections Pertaining to Women's History and Women's Issues
A guide to government records and manuscript collections at the State Archives of Florida relating to the experiences and contributions of women in Florida.

A Guide to New Deal Records
A guide to government records and manuscript collections at the State Archives of Florida relating to the operations of New Deal agencies in Florida during the Great Depression, such as the Works Progress Administration, the Civilian Conservation Corps, and the Civil Works Administration.

Filming Florida: Images of the Sunshine State
A guide to films in the collections of the State Archives of Florida.

Guide to the Koreshan Unity Papers
A guide to the papers of the Koreshan Unity, a religious organization based for many years in Estero, Florida.

A Guide to Researching the Territorial Era
A guide to government records and manuscript collections at the State Archives of Florida pertaining to Florida's territorial period (1821-1845).

Guide to Military Records and the Wartime Experience
A guide to government records and manuscript collections at the State Archives of Florida relating to service members and the wartime experience.

Using Tax Rolls for Family History Research
A brief tutorial on using tax rolls for family history research.

Find Your Pioneers!
A brief tutorial on using the returns from Florida's first statehood election in 1845 to locate ancestors who qualify as "Florida pioneers" according to the Florida State Genealogical Society.

The Taylor Family Papers: Using Plantation Records for Researching Enslaved People
A tutorial on using plantation records to research the lives on ancestors, particularly African American individuals who were enslaved on such plantations.

The Armed Occupation Act of 1842
An explanation of the Armed Occupation Act of 1842 and how to use related records to research ancestors living in territorial or early statehood era Florida.

Family History on the Farm
An explanation of the Smith-Hughes Act and how records from agricultural and vocational programs in the 1920s can be used to trace your family history.

Doing Genealogy with Pension Records
A tutorial on using several kinds of records relating to applications for Confederate pensions for family history research.

Researching Sumter County at the State Library and State Archives
A guide to archival collections at the State Archives of Florida relating to Sumter County, Florida and its communities.

Researching Escambia County at the State Archives and State Library of Florida
A guide to archival collections at the State Archives of Florida relating to Escambia County, Florida and its communities.

Researching State and County Officers
A tutorial on using a variety of records at the State Archives of Florida to document the public service of an individual in Florida.

Researching the Homefront
A review of the kinds of documentation available for researching home front activities during World War II in Florida.

The First Florida Women in Public Office
A guide to records at the State Archives of Florida documenting the earliest instances of women holding public office in the state.

Guide to Using the Florida State Prison Register on Florida Memory
The Florida State Prison Register documents more than 59,000 incarcerations between 1875 and 1959.

Bringing Genealogy into the Classroom
A video tutorial suggesting strategies for incorporating family history research into the K-12 curriculum.

Using Land Documents in Genealogy
A video tutorial explaining how to use a variety of records relating to land ownership and sales to determine where an ancestor once lived or owned property.

Documenting the Troops: Military Records on Florida Memory and at the State Archives of Florida
A video tutorial explaining how to use a variety of records to trace the military service of a Florida ancestor.

Learning More About Your Ancestor's Occupation
A video tutorial explaining how to use a variety of sources to trace an ancestor's occupation or career in public service.

Researching Ghost Towns
A video tutorial offering strategies for locating ghost towns and determining who lived there.

Unusual Sources for Genealogy
A video tutorial describing archival sources for researching cases of insanity, incarceration, and divorce.

Preserving Your Family Papers
A video tutorial offering strategies for preserving family papers, photographs and other archival records.

Researching the Lives of Enslaved Ancestors
A video tutorial offering strategies for researching ancestors who were enslaved or descended from enslaved persons.

Top State Archives Resources for Florida Counties and Communities
A video tutorial introducing some of the State Archives' most useful sources for tracing the history of an individual Florida county or community.

Documenting the Dearly Departed: Records for Family History Research
A video tutorial describing the various kinds of records available for tracing death and burial.

Kingsley Plantation: Freedom and Slavery
A list of print and online resources for researching the plantation of Zephaniah Kingsley.

Convict Labor Leasing in Florida
A list of print and online resources for researching the convict leasing system in Florida.

The Seminole Wars
A list of print and online resources for researching the Seminole Wars in Florida.

NASA and the Space Program in Florida
A list of print and online resources for researching NASA and its impact on Florida.

Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune: A Legacy of Education
A list of print and online resources for researching Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune and her impact on Florida.

Building the Tamiami Trail
A list of print and online resources for researching the history of the Tamiami Trail.

Henry Flagler and the Florida East Coast Railway
A list of print and online resources for researching railroad tycoon Henry Flagler and his Florida East Coast Railway.

The Cross Florida Barge Canal
A list of print and online resources for researching the history of the Cross Florida Barge Canal.

Florida Teachers' Strike of 1968
A list of print and online resources for researching the Florida Teachers' Strike of 1968.

Zora Neale Hurston in Florida
A list of print and online resources for researching folklorist and novelist Zora Neale Hurston and her work in Florida.

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
A list of print and online resources for researching the history of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in Florida.

Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962
A list of print and online resources for researching the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 and its impact on Florida.

Florida during the Spanish-American War
A list of print and online resources for researching Florida's involvement in the Spanish-American War.

The Great Jacksonville Fire of 1901
A list of print and online resources for researching the Great Jacksonville Fire of 1901.