Florida Memory is administered by the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services, Bureau of Archives and Records Management. The digitized records on Florida Memory come from the collections of the State Archives of Florida and the special collections of the State Library of Florida.

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Fernandina Death & Burial Records, 1896-1916
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This list contains all surnames appearing on the records in this collection. Click a surname to view all of the records belonging to persons having that surname. Choose a letter from the drop-down menu to browse surnames starting with that letter. Please note that in transcribing the records, we have retained the original spelling as it was written by the record creators. Errors are common. Consider searching for alternate spellings to find the person for whom you are looking.
- Bacon
- Bailey
- Baily
- Baker
- Balding
- Ballantine
- Ballentine
- Baner
- Banko
- Banks
- Barber
- Barfoot
- Barker
- Barley
- Barnett
- Barr
- Bates
- Bauer
- Baus
- Baxter
- Beal
- Bealey
- Bear
- Beard
- Beatty
- Beens
- Bell
- Belton
- Benbow
- Bengaman
- Benjamin
- Bennett
- Bently
- Benton
- Bergath
- Berton
- Beurette
- Biddle
- Black
- Blackshear
- Blake
- Bloom
- Blue
- Blunt
- Bluton
- Boatwright
- Boggs
- Bolson
- Bonand
- Bonapart
- Bonaparte
- Bonaud
- Boomershine
- Bouand
- Bowden
- Bowen
- Boyt
- Braddock
- Bradock
- Brady
- Bragg
- Braxton
- Brice
- Bridges
- Brigalaki
- Briggs
- Brisbus
- Bronson
- Brooks
- Brounell
- Brown
- Bruce
- Brunson
- Bryans
- Bryant
- Buffort
- Bunce
- Burgess
- Burney
- Burns
- Burton
- Butler
- Buzzell
- Cain
- Caine
- Caldwell
- Calhoun
- Calvin
- Cameron
- Camper
- Cannon
- Capino
- Carl
- Carleton
- Carmichael
- Carn
- Carney
- Carrio
- Carroll
- Carter
- Cartwright
- Cason
- Cass
- Cassanova
- Causey
- Cavedo
- Chadwick
- Chapman
- Sherman
- Chass
- Chatham
- Chatman
- Cheatham
- Cheathen
- Chester
- Christopher
- Clank
- Clark
- Clarke
- Clay
- Cliff
- Clinch
- Clynch
- Coakeley
- Coakely
- Coakley
- Cokely
- Coker
- Coleman
- Collins
- Comadore
- Commodore
- Comodore
- Cone
- Cook
- Cooper
- Copeland
- Copena
- Copenia
- Cordele
- Cossewell
- Counter
- Covington
- Cowter
- Crabb
- Craft
- Crakily
- Crandall
- Crawford
- Cribb
- Crotty
- Cumming
- Cunningham
- Curran
- Cushing
- Cushman
- Dahen
- Dalterer
- Dan
- Dana
- Danbury
- Daniels
- Dapey
- Darkina
- Dasher
- Davis
- Dawkins
- Dawsey
- De Mott
- Deax
- Defee
- DeFoe
- Delaney
- Delany
- Delphia
- Demont
- DeMott
- Dempsey
- Denefield
- Denegal
- Denegall
- Devanghn
- Devaughn
- DeWitt
- Dickens
- Dickerson
- Dior
- Disbennett
- Dixon
- Doe
- Doherty
- Dona
- Dorsay
- Dorsey
- Dougherty
- Doughterty
- Douglas
- Dove
- Dowell
- Drifon
- Drummond
- Drummonds
- Duling
- Duncan
- Durant
- Durham
- Duryll
- Duval
- Dyal
- Gadson
- Gage
- Galannena
- Galewood
- Galphin
- Gamely
- Gardner
- Garland
- Garner
- Garrett
- Garrison
- Gaskin
- Gates
- Gathers
- Gaynon
- Gaynor
- Gemain
- George
- Gerbing
- Gibson
- Gilber
- Gilbert
- Gilchrist
- Gilds
- Gillard
- Gilliard
- Gillislee
- Gladhill
- Glover
- Godfrey
- Godrey
- Golden
- Gooding
- Goodman
- Goodrich
- Goodwin
- Googe
- Gordan
- Gorden
- Gordon
- Gorham
- Goss
- Graham
- Gransberry
- Grant
- Graten
- Graves
- Gray
- Green
- Gregory
- Grey
- Griffin
- Grimm
- Grosby
- Growles
- Growls
- Gunther
- Guy
- Haddock
- Hagan
- Hagberg
- Hager
- Hagin
- Hall
- Halley
- Halslein
- Halstein
- Hamilton
- Hammond
- Hampton
- Hanahan
- Hannihan
- Harker
- Harklers
- Harper
- Harris
- Harvey
- Hawk
- Hawkins
- Hayes
- Hays
- Haywood
- Heckel
- Hedrick
- Hedyck
- Heirser
- Hemingway
- Henderson
- Hendricks
- Henry
- Henson
- Heppard
- Herb
- Herbert
- Hernandez
- Hicks
- Hidawake
- Higdon
- Higgenbotham
- Higginbotham
- Higgins
- Hildreth
- Hill
- Hillyer
- Himond
- Hippard
- Hobein
- Hobin
- Hodges
- Hogan
- Hogans
- Holgendorf
- Holliway
- Holmes
- Holzendolph
- Holzendorf
- Hooker
- Hooper
- Hopkins
- Horn
- Horne
- Houston
- Howard
- Howell
- Hozendorf
- Hubbard
- Hudson
- Hughes
- Humphrey
- Hunlley
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hutchinson
- Hyde
- Hymon
- La Fortune
- Lacham
- Ladson
- Lafortune
- Lambert
- Lancaster
- Lane
- Lang
- Lange
- Langley
- Lasseve
- Latham
- Lawrence
- Lawson
- Leawright
- LeBoeuf
- Leddy
- Lee
- LeFils
- Legget
- Leggett
- Lessimore
- Lewis
- Ley
- Linas
- Linville
- Lissimore
- Little
- Livinghouse
- Livingston
- Lizamore
- Lizzamere
- Lizzamore
- Lizzemore
- Lizziemore
- Lizzimore
- Lloyd
- Lodenburg
- Lofthouse
- Logan
- Lohman
- Long
- Lormer
- Lottry
- Love
- Low
- Lowe
- Lowery
- Lucas
- Luke
- Lukenbil
- Lukenbill
- Luydam
- Lynch
- MacDonald
- MacDonell
- Macellahan
- Mack
- Mackham
- Mahoney
- Major
- Mallox
- Mann
- Manney
- Manor
- Marcum
- Mardegan
- Marmey
- Marshall
- Martens
- Martin
- Massey
- Mathews
- Mattox
- Maxwell
- May
- Mayfield
- Maynor
- Mayo
- McBean
- McCall
- McCann
- McCarl
- McClary
- McCleary
- McClellan
- McClennan
- McCollows
- McColtery
- McCormick
- McCottery
- McCoy
- McCray
- McCrea
- McCullough
- McDonald
- McFarland
- McGee
- McGiffin
- McGrath
- McIntire
- McIntosh
- McIntyre
- McKendree
- McKendry
- McLashion
- McLeod
- McLiffin
- McNair
- McNeil
- McSutyse
- Medgrove
- Merrow
- Mershon
- Meyer
- Middleton
- Miles
- Miller
- Mincey
- Miner
- Mingin
- Minor
- Mirre
- Mitchell
- Mitchem
- Mitchieson
- Mixon
- Mizell
- Moarez
- Mode
- Montgomery
- Moody
- Mooney
- Moose
- Mordecai
- Morely
- Morewood
- Morris
- Morrison
- Morse
- Mosely
- Mosley
- Mott
- Mularkey
- Muldow
- Muldrow
- Mullen
- Muller
- Mullin
- Muncy
- Mungen
- Munncy
- Munson
- Munyon
- Murphy
- Murray
- Padgett
- Papino
- Papy
- Parish
- Parker
- Parris
- Pats
- Patterson
- Payne
- Pearson
- Pedaway
- Pelot
- Pembert
- Pendarvis
- Pennington
- Peppers
- Perato
- Perkins
- Perpena
- Perry
- Person
- Persons
- Peters
- Peterson
- Peulincky
- Phillips
- Phreward
- Pierson
- Pinckney
- Pinkney
- Pittman
- Platt
- Plunt
- Poker
- Polite
- Pollard
- Porter
- Potts
- Powell
- Pratt
- Prescott
- Proctor
- Pumplin
- Punter
- Purse
- Rainey
- Rainy
- Randall
- Raney
- Rankin
- Rawles
- Rawls
- Ray
- Read
- Reader
- Reed
- Reeder
- Reese
- Reid
- Rembert
- Renfroe
- Reynolds
- Rias
- Rich
- Richards
- Richardson
- Riley
- Rivers
- Roan
- Roberson
- Roberts
- Robinson
- Rocker
- Rodwell
- Rogers
- Romero
- Ronx
- Roper
- Rose
- Ross
- Rossean
- Rosseau
- Roux
- Rowell
- Rurdy
- Rush
- Russell
- Rutishauser
- Rutishouser
- Rutrishauser
- Ruttishauser
- Sabaer
- Sadler
- Safford
- Sahlmam
- Sahlman
- Sahlmans
- Sally
- Salvador
- Samis
- Sammey
- Sampson
- Sams
- Sanchez
- Sanders
- Sanford
- Savage
- Saxon
- Saxton
- Scot
- Scott
- Seibert
- Sellers
- Seydel
- Sharpe
- Shellman
- Sheppard
- Shoub
- Silva
- Simelton
- Simington
- Simmons
- Simonin
- Simonton
- Simpson
- Sims
- Singleton
- Sipio
- Skipper
- Slater
- Small
- Smallwood
- Smith
- Smither
- Snell
- Soafer
- Soderberg
- Spaulding
- Sprier
- Springer
- Stanley
- Stapp
- Stark
- Starke
- Starralt
- Stays
- Steil
- Stephens
- Sterling
- Stevens
- Stewart
- Stiles
- Stillborn
- Stone
- Sturgeon
- Subres
- Suhrer
- Sullivan
- Surhrer
- Sutton
- Suydam
- Swain
- Swann
- Swearangen
- Swearingen
- Swift
- Sye
- Waas
- Wade
- Walden
- Walker
- Wall
- Walls
- Walters
- Walton
- Warfield
- Warren
- Washington
- Wasington
- Waters
- Watson
- Webber
- Weber
- Webster
- Weeks
- Weimar
- Weldon
- Wells
- Werner
- Wetcamp
- Wheitlock
- White
- Whiters
- Whitson
- Wieslo
- Wiggins
- Wikerson
- Wilder
- Wilds
- Wilerson
- Wilkenson
- Wilkerson
- Wilkinson
- Willard
- William
- Williams
- Williamson
- Willis
- Wills
- Wilson
- Wingate
- Winn
- Winne
- Wood
- Woodin
- Wooding
- Wrich
- Wright
- Wydell
This list contains all of the various causes of death listed in the records. Please note that there was no standardized system of reporting causes of death at this time. Numerous terms often existed for the same disease, and in many cases the reporting official was imprecise in describing the cause of death. Our policy in transcribing the documents was to report the cause of death exactly as it appears in the originals.
- (Autopsy) Lues -- Aortic Insufficiency
- (Jaundice) Bad health of Mother
- [illegible]
- A Case of neglect
- Abdominal Dropsy
- Abnormal Birth
- Abscess
- Abscess and Pulmonary Hemorrhage
- Abscess of Stomach
- Accident
- Accident, fell between cars
- Accidental
- Accidental drowning
- Accidental Suffocation
- Accidentally killed by being run over by train
- Accidentally killed from gun-shot
- Accidentally killed, collision R.R. Cars
- Accident-explosion of bomb
- Acute
- Acute Alcoholism
- Acute Appendicitis
- Acute Basilan Meningitis
- Acute Brights Disease
- Acute Bright's Disease
- Acute Cardiac Dilatation
- Acute Cerebritis
- Acute Congestive Nephritis
- Acute Coryza
- Acute Cystitis
- Acute Dysentery
- Acute Enteritis
- Acute Gastritis
- Acute Gastro Enteric
- Acute Gastro Enteric Intoxication
- Acute Heart Disease
- Acute Indigestion
- Acute Indigestion and General Senility
- Acute Indigestion causing Asthenia
- Acute Indigestion?
- Acute Inphantis
- Acute Laryngitis with Follicular Chronic Tonsillitis
- Acute Miliary Tuberculosis
- Acute Nephritis
- Acute Phthisis
- Acute Physis
- Acute Pneumonitis
- Acute Pulmonary Phthisis
- Acute Tuberculosis
- Addison's Disease
- Adema of Lungs
- Aedema of Lungs
- Aedema of the Lungs caused by Uraemia
- Albuminuria
- Albuminuria (Bright's Disease)
- Alcoholism
- Alcoholism with complications
- Anasarca
- Anasarca Cardiac
- Aneamia
- Anenmonia
- Aneurysm
- Aneurysm of the Aorta (Traumatic)
- Angina Pectoris
- Angina Pectoris with Disease of Coronary Arteries
- Anterior Poliomyelitis
- Aortic Aneurysm
- Aortic Insufficiency
- Aphthae (Thrush)
- Apoplexy
- Appendicitis
- Arterial Congestion
- Arteriosclerosis
- Ascardia
- Ascarids
- Ascites
- Asphyxia Neonatorum
- Astesiacetines
- Asthma
- Asthma - Complications
- Asthma and want of breath
- Asthma-superinduced by heart failure brought on by fevers
- Atelectasis
- Atheroma of blood Vessels and Cerebral Hemorrhage
- Atrophy of Liver
- Baby Born Sick
- Basilica
- Bichloride Poison, of Mercury Poisoning, (Suicide)
- Bilious Fever
- Bilious Fever (supposed)
- Bilious Remittent Fever
- Blows in Head Crushed
- Boiler Explosion
- Boiler Explosion causing great traumation
- Born [sick?]
- Born Dead
- Born Sick
- Bowel trouble
- Bowel Trouble while Teething
- Brain Tumor
- Brancho Pneumonia
- Breech Delivery under ether anesthesia
- Brights Disease
- Bright's Disease
- Bright's Disease?
- Bronchial Pneumonia
- Bronchio Pneumonia
- Bronchiopneumonia
- Bronchitis
- Bronchitis and continued fever
- Bronchitis Capillary
- Bronchitis Complicated
- Bronchitis Complicated with Bright's Disease
- Bronchitis with Measles
- Broncho Pneumonia
- Bulbar Paralysis
- Bundry [sundry]
- Burn
- Burned
- Burned by Fire
- Burning
- Burns
- C. On heon
- Cancer
- Cancer Enphagus
- Cancer of Breast
- Cancer of Liver
- Cancer of Rectum
- Cancer of Stomach
- Cancer of the Face
- Cancer of the Stomach
- Cancer of Uterus
- Capillary Bronchitis
- Capillary Bronchitis complicated with Pericarditis
- Carbolic Poisoning (Suicide)
- Carcinoma
- Carcinoma of Bladder
- Carcinoma of Esophagus
- Carcinoma of Genitalia
- Carcinoma of the Mammary
- Carcinoma of the Uterus
- Cardiac Abscess
- Cardiac Ascites
- Cardiac Asthma and Heart Failure
- Cardiac Depression
- Cardiac Depressions
- Cardiac Dilatation
- Cardiac Dilation
- Cardiac Dropsy
- Cardiac Hypertrophy
- Cardiac Paralysis
- Cardiac Paralysis following Asthma
- Cardiac Paralysis Superinduced by Heat
- Cardiac Phrombosis
- Cardic Dilatation
- Cardio-Spasmodic Asthma
- Carneous Degeneration
- Catarrh of Bowels
- Catarrh of Bowels, & Brights Disease
- Catarrhal Enteritis
- Catarrhal of Stomach
- Cause unknown--had fever
- Cerebio Spinal Meningitis
- Cerebral Abscess
- Cerebral Concussion
- Cerebral Congestion
- Cerebral Fever and Hemorrhage
- Cerebral Hemorrhage
- Cerebral Thrombosis
- Cerebral Tumor
- Cerebrospinal Meningitis
- Ceritisitis
- Change of Life
- Child birth
- Childbirth
- Chills and Fever
- Cholera Infanta
- Cholera Infantum
- Cholesterol Nephritis
- Chronic
- Chronic Albuminuria
- Chronic Bright's Disease
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Chronic Cystitis
- Chronic Dysentery
- Chronic Endocarditis
- Chronic Enteritis and Senility
- Chronic Gastric Catarrh
- Chronic Gastritis
- Chronic Hydrocephalus
- Chronic interstitial Nephritis, Hypertrophy and dilatation of heart
- Chronic Intestinal Gastritis
- Chronic Intestinal Nephritis and Cardiac Hypertrophy
- Chronic Malarial Fever and Inanition
- Chronic Myocarditis
- Chronic Neo Colitis and Marasmus
- Chronic Nephritis
- Chronic Nephritis and Dropsy
- Chronic Nephritis with Endrecarillites
- Chronic Otitis Media
- Chronic Peritonitis
- Chronic Pneumonia
- Cirrhosis of Liver
- Cirrhosis of the Liver
- Cirrhosis of the Liver and Valvular Heart Disease
- Cold
- Colic
- Colitis
- Complications
- Compression of Brain
- Concussion of brain & Internal injuries
- Concussion of Brain, Fractured ribs, crushed lumbar vertebrae
- Congenital Heart Disease
- Congenital Hydrocephalus
- Congestion
- Congestion Chill
- Congestion of Bowels
- Congestion of Brain
- Congestion of Brain and abdominal organs following Measles
- Congestion of Liver and Spleen
- Congestion of lung with congenital deformity of heart, under formed and oval
- Congestion of the Bowels
- Congestion of the Brain
- Congestion of the Liver
- Congestion of the Lungs
- Congestion, Pulmonary
- Congestive Chill
- Congestive Fever
- Congestive Fever, Sunstroke?
- Consumption
- Consumption of Bowels
- Consumption of the Stomach
- Contusion of the Chest
- Convulsion
- Convulsions
- Convulsions of Brain
- Convulsions with Intemperance and minor ailins
- Convulsions, suffered from worms
- Cramp Colic
- Cremation
- Cromatic Peritonitis
- Croup, Colic, or Paralysis Bowels
- Croupous Pneumonia
- Crushed by Accident
- Crushed by R.R. Train
- Crushed Thorax - R.R. Accident
- Cyanosis
- Cystitis
- Death caused from wound in abdomen
- Deformity
- Dentition
- Dermatitis, Exfoliatira Neoncitorium
- Deulition
- Deulition and Inanition
- Diabetes
- Diabetic Coma
- diagnosed Cholera Infantum by J.P. Miller, was out of town at death
- Diarrhea
- Died at birth
- died at the day it was born
- Digestion
- Diphtheria
- Disease of Heart
- Disseminated Sclerosis
- Dropsy
- Drowned
- Drowning
- Drowning by Accident
- Dysentery
- Dysentery and Inanition
- Eclampsia
- Elephantiasis and Gangrene
- Embolism, Cardiac
- Emphysema
- Emphysema and Complications
- Endocarditis
- Endocarditis complicated by Dysentery
- Enfluenza
- Engorgement Bowls
- Enlargement of Thyroid gland preventing deglutition, hence starvation!!!
- Enteric Fever
- Enteritis
- Enteritis (Chronic)
- Enteritis and Complications
- Enteritis and Senility
- Enteritis following upon Rachitis
- Entero Colitis
- Entero Colitis and Marasmus
- Enterocolitis
- Epilepsy
- Epilepsy of Brain
- Eruptive Fever
- Erysipelas
- Ethisia
- Euteritis
- Excessive Enthusiasm causing Spasmodic Apoplexy
- Exhaustion
- Exhaustion following insanity of lactation
- Exhaustion from Mania
- Exhaustion in childbirth
- Exhaustion; Deficient birth
- Failure of the heart
- Fall, fractured skull
- Fatty Degeneration of Heart
- Fatty Degeneration of the Heart
- Fever
- Fever -- born weakly
- Fever - Convulsions
- Fever and Convulsions
- Fever and Pains
- Fever and Spasms
- Fracture of Spine and Internal Injuries
- Gangrene
- Gastric Cancer
- Gastric Enteristis
- Gastric Enteritis
- Gastric Ulcer
- Gastritis
- Gastritis Acute and Endocarditis
- Gastritis and Blood Poisoning
- Gastro Enteritis
- Gastro Interitis
- General Anasarca
- General depression by excessive heat
- General Dropsy
- General Marasmus
- General Marasmus (debility)
- General Paralysis
- General Paralysis and Senility
- General Peritonitis
- General Senility
- General Senility and Debility
- General Senility complicated with Remittent Fever
- General Toxemia
- Gun shot wound
- Gun shot wounds in heart
- Gunshot
- Gunshot wound
- Gunshot wound (accidental)
- Gunshot Wounds
- Had treated one month ago for Marasmus.
- Hanged
- Heart
- Heart Disease
- Heart Disease (Suddenly)
- Heart Disease and General Senility
- Heart Disease, Atheroma of Aorta
- Heart Failure
- Heart Failure (Old Age)
- Heart failure due to uremia and acute Nephritis
- Heart Failure from Chronic Bright's Disease
- Heart Failure through La Grippe
- Heart Trouble
- Heat Stroke
- Heincince [?]
- Hematemesis (Probably Gastric Ulcer)
- Hemiplegia
- Hemiplegia with Cardiac Dilatation
- Hemophilia
- Hemorrhage
- Hemorrhage from a gunshot wound of the abdomen
- Hemorrhage of Bowels
- Hemorrhage of Cord
- Hemorrhage of Lungs
- Hemorrhage suffer to the from Consumption
- Hemorrhage Umbilical
- Hepatic Abscess
- Hepatic Abscess "Pyaemia"
- Hepatic Enlargement causing Convulsions
- Hepatic Gangrene
- Hepatogenous Jaundice
- Hereditary Syphilis
- Hydrocephalus
- Hydrocephaly
- Hydrophobia
- Hypertrophy of Heart
- Hysteria
- Hysteria and Complications
- Icterus
- Icterus Neonatorum
- Immaturity
- Inanition
- Inanition and Marasmus
- Inanition through Syphilitic Tetanus, Ulcers on Legs
- Inanitivy
- Inantion
- Indigestion
- Infant
- Infantile Cholera
- Infantile Convulsion
- Infantile Convulsions
- Infantile Eclampsia
- Inflamation of Bowels
- Inflamation of Bowels and Senility
- Inflammation of Stomach
- Inflammation of the Brain and Convulsions, confined 5 weeks previously
- Inflammation of the Stomach
- Inflammatory Rheumatism
- Influenza
- Ingravescent Apoplexy
- Injuries received on R.R.
- Insanity and Heart Failure
- Insanity resulting in General Marasmus
- Insufficient
- Insufficient Nourishment
- Insufficient Nutrition
- Internal Injuries
- Internal Stenosis
- Intersticial Nephritis
- Interstitial Nephritis
- Intestinal Colic
- Intestinal Gastritis
- Intestinal Hepatitis
- Intestinal Nephritis
- Intestinal Obstruction
- Intestinal Paralysis
- Intestinal Toxemia
- Intestine Paresis
- Jaundice
- Kidney Trouble
- Killed
- Killed by Engine
- Killed by R.R. Engine
- Killed by Railroad
- Killed by train
- Knife wound in neck
- L. Gastritis
- La Grip
- La Grippe
- La Grippe and Heart Disease
- Laryngitis
- Laryngitis (Membranous)
- Laryngitis and Bronchitis
- Lateral Sinus Thrombosis (Cerebral Abscess)
- Laudanum
- Lobar Pneumonia
- Lockjaw
- Locomotor Ataxia
- Lues
- Lung Fever
- Malaria
- Malaria and Complications
- Malarial Fever
- Malarial Fever and Remittent Fever
- Malignant Interstitial Fever
- Malignant Lymphoma
- Malignant-Remittent Fever
- Malnutrition
- Manition
- Marasmus
- Marmis
- Mastaiditis
- Mastoiditis
- Measles
- Mediastinal Abscess and Pulmonary Haemorrhage
- Meningitis
- Meningitis (Result of Gunshot wound)
- Meningitis and Hemiplegia
- Miscarriage
- Mitral
- Mitral Insufficiency
- Mitral Regurgitation
- Mitral Stenosis
- Morphine Poisoning (Suicide)
- Natural Causes
- Natural Debility from Birth
- Neonatorum
- Nephritis
- Nephritis Acute
- Nephritis and Complications
- Nephritis Chanel
- Nephritis Chronic
- Neuresthenis
- not Known
- Not nourished
- Obstructive Jaundice
- Oedema
- Oedema Pulmonary
- of being accidentally burned by fire
- only hard strain
- Optic Sarcoma
- Organic Heart Disease
- Organic Heart Disease (Mitral)
- Organic Heart trouble
- Over-laid by mother during night
- Paralysis
- Paralysis from Cerebral Hemorrhage
- Paralysis of Heart
- Paralysis of the Heart
- Paralyzed
- Paresis
- Part Differential Nephritis
- Pectoris
- Pellagra
- Pelvic Peritonitis
- Peritonitis
- Peritonitis & Complications
- Peritonitis (Traumatic)
- Peritonits
- Pernicious Fever
- Pernicious Malaria
- Pernicious Malaria and Complications
- Pernicious Malarial Fever
- Pernicious Malarial Fever (Malarial Heamaturia)
- Pernicious Remittent Fever
- Pertussis
- Phthisis
- Phthisis Pulmonalis
- Phthisis Pulmonum
- Pintursis
- Pistol shot
- Pistol shot--around in head
- Pitamus Neonatorum
- Pleurisy
- Pleuritis from Whooping Cough
- Pleuro Pneumonia
- Pluero Pneumonia
- Pnemonia
- Pneumonia
- Pneumonia (left side)
- Pneumonia ?
- Pneumonia after a burn
- Pneumonia and Cold
- Pneumonia Catarrhalis
- Pneumonia with Phlebitis
- Pneumonia--apparently
- Pneumonic Phthisis
- Pneumonitis
- Post Partum Hemorrhage
- Potash Poisoning
- Premature
- Premature (Stillborn)
- Premature Birth
- Premature Death
- Premature-Stillborn
- Prematurity
- Prematurity - (Stillborn)
- Prematurity, Stillbirth
- Probably Teething
- Probably Tuberculosis
- Psoriasis?
- Puerferal Eclampsia
- Puerperal Convulsion
- Puerperal Convulsions
- Puerperal Eclampsia
- Puerperal Septicaemia
- Puerpheral Fever
- Pulmonary Aedema
- Pulmonary Aedema and Rachitis
- Pulmonary Consumption
- Pulmonary Gangrene
- Pulmonary Hemorrhage
- Pulmonary Oedema
- Pulmonary Phthisis
- Pulmonary Tuber
- Pulmonary Tuberculosis
- Pulmonic Tuberculosis
- Pyaemia
- Pyemia
- R.R. Accident
- Rachitis
- Remittent Fever
- Remittent Malaria
- Remittent Malarial Fever
- Remittent Malarial Fever, Complication--Consumption
- Remote cause--Typhoid Fever, Immediate--Uremia
- Renal Insufficiency
- Retention of Urine
- Revolver shot wound in abdomen
- Revolver shot wound in armpit
- Rheumatic Encephalitis
- Rheumatism
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Rickets
- Rifle shot wound
- Run over and killed by Engine 630 of F.A.L. Ry
- Run Over by RR Cars
- run over by S and G Railway
- Run over by Switching Engine
- Rupture
- Rupture of Aneurism
- Rupture of the Heart
- Scarlet Fever
- Sclerosis
- Sclerosis Disseminated
- Scrofula
- Senile Atrophy
- Senile Dementia
- Senile Gangrene
- Senile Neurasthenia
- Senile Ulcer
- Senility
- Senility & Remittent Malaria
- Sephilitis
- Septacemia
- Septic Omphalitis
- Septicaemia
- Septicemia
- Septicemia (following childbirth)
- Shock
- Shock by R.R. Accident
- Shock following injury
- Shock--from fall from Phosphate Elevator
- Shock--result from RR accident
- Shot
- Shot in head
- Shot. Bullet penetrated brains.
- Sick from Birth
- Spasm
- Spasmodic Asthma
- Spasmodic Cros
- Spasmodic Croup
- Spasmodic Suspension of the Heart
- Spasms
- Spasms from Cold
- Spasms--Premature Birth
- Spazams
- Specific Euteritis
- Spinal Meningitis
- Spinal Tuberculosis
- Stab Wound
- Stab Wound Through Abdomen Penetrating stomach
- Stab wound through abdomen, penetrating stomach
- Stamatitis
- Starvation
- Stillbirth
- Stillborn
- Stillborn - Premature
- Stillborn patient
- Stillborn through Inanition
- Stillborn, "Natural Causes"
- Stillborn--Prolapse of cord and arm
- Stomach Trouble
- Stomatitis
- Strangulation
- Strangulation by accidental drowning
- Strangulation by umbilical cord
- Stricture--had Bright's Disease
- Struck in the head by piece of heavy lumber.
- Struck on Head
- Suffered Consumption
- Suffocation
- Suicide
- Suicide by placing his body in front of engine
- Suicide--Drowning
- Sunstroke
- Sunstroke and Paralysis
- supposed Congestive Chill
- supposed Croup
- Supposed Heart Disease
- supposed Paralysis
- Supposed Premature Birth
- Supposed Senility
- supposed to be acute stricture of bladder
- Supposed to be Asthma
- supposed to be Consumption
- supposed to be Paralysis
- Supposed Whooping Cough
- Suppuratira Pesitonitis
- Symptoms Meningitis
- Syphilis
- Syphilis and Complications
- Syphilis with Complications
- Syringomyelia
- T.B. of the Lungs
- Taresis
- Tertiary Syphilis
- Tetanus
- Tetanus Meningitis
- Tetanus Nematours
- Tetanus Neonatorum
- Thlhisis
- Thrush
- Thyroiditis
- Toxemia
- Toxemia (primary) Phlebitis (contributory)
- Toxemia following retention of Urine
- Traumatic
- Traumatic Cerebral Hemorrhage
- Traumatic Peritonitis
- Traumatic Pneumonia
- Traumatic Tetanus
- Traumatic Tetanus from revolver shot wound in Georgia
- Trismus
- Trismus Nascentium
- Trismus Nascentrium
- Tubercular Enteritis
- Tubercular Lymphadenoma
- Tuberculosis
- Tuberculosis (Pulmonary)
- Tuberculosis of bowels
- Tuberculosis of Intestines, Cyst of Pancreas, Exhaustion
- Tuberculosis of the Lung
- Tuberculosis of the lungs
- Tuberculosis Peritonitis
- Tuberculosis with tubercle bacilli
- Tuberculous
- Tumor
- Tumor on head, ill from birth
- Typho Malaria
- Typho Malarial Fever
- Typho Pneumonia
- Typhoid Fever
- Typhoid Fever with Bacillus of Elearth
- Typhoid Fever?
- Typhoid Pneumonia
- Typhoid/Pneumonia
- Typho-Malaria
- Typho-Malaria?
- Typho-pneumonia
- Ulcer Colitis and Marasiras
- Ulcer in Stomach
- Umbilical Hemorrhage
- Unknown
- Unknown - born delicate
- Unknown (Supposed to be Congestive Chill)
- Unknown to Coroners Jury- suppose to be by drowning while in a fit
- Unknown--ill from birth
- Uraemia
- Uraemia Convulsions
- Uraemia of Pregnancy
- Uraemia terminating Chronic intestinal nephritis
- Uraemic Convulsions
- Uraemic Convulsions of Mother
- Uraemic Poison
- Uremia
- Uremic Coma
- Uremic Poisoning
- Urosepsis following infection
- Uterine Carcinoma
- Uterine Sarcoma
- Valvular Disease of Heart
- Valvular disease of heart, complicated with sepsis
- Valvular Disease of the heart
- Valvular Heart Disease
- Vital Insufficiency
- Weakly from birth
- Whooping Cough
- Worms
- Wound of abdomen accidental by Railroad Locomotive
- Wound of chest - R.R. Accident
- Wound, R.R. Accident
- Yellow Fever
Territorial Legislative Council Records, 1822-1845
Documenting Florida's legislature prior to statehood
State and County Officer Directories, 1868-1969
Lists of Florida's state and county officials either elected or appointed between 1868 and 1969.

Guide to Military Records and the Wartime Experience
A guide to government records and manuscript collections relating to service members and the wartime experience.
Dust Tracks
21 tracks from Hurston's time documenting African American culture for the WPA in 1930s Florida.
History Day 2025
Resources for Florida History Day from the State Library and Archives of Florida.