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CALL FAMILY PAPERS (continued) - Box: 5 Folder: 5 Item: 19
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Letter, November 1, 1836, from Washington, published February 1908, criticizing Call's handling of military actions: ''I sincerely regret your retrograde -- You must arouse and regain your lost time and what of more importance your military reputation, Why did you not force your passage and take possession of Powells position . . . concentrate your supplies, and your forces, and by a prompt, vigorous and gallant movement surprise and beat Powell and his clan . . . with the force you have, with the Indians united you can make a dash upon Powell and destroy him . . . and all will surrender, and if they do not, you can . . . drive them into the Peninsula and clear the St. Johns, and the whole country in your rear of Indians and negros . . . you must with the Tennesseans and your other force attack and destroy Powell and take your position on the Withlacoochie river . . .'' On the verso of this letter, General Call wrote, ''From Genl Jackson, written on a subject of which he was totally uninformed, and assumes as facts that which did not exist, and as practicable, that which was totally impracticable.''
Box Description
Folder Description
Andrew Jackson letters (photocopies), 1812-1842, 20 pp. (containing 22 letters), as published in The Collector: A Magazine for Autograph and Historical Collectors, between 1901 and 1908. Jackson wrote the letters to Richard K. Call from Washington, D.C. or from Nashville or the Hermitage, Tennessee. They concern personal and family matters as well as public affairs and figures, national politics and government, Florida events, military events, and other matters. The letters were apparently sold to The Collector editor Walter R. Benjamin by Ellen Call Long in 1900 or 1901 (see letters dated July 28, 1900 and October 10, 1900, Benjamin to Long, Box 1, Folder 15, Items 3 and 4). (From U.N.C. #2293-B)
CALL FAMILY PAPERS (continued) - Box: 5 Folder: 5 Item: 19
Letter, November 1, 1836, from Washington, published February 1908, criticizing Call's handling of military actions: ''I sincerely regret your retrograde -- You must arouse and regain your lost time and what of more importance your military reputation, Why did you not force your passage and take possession of Powells position . . . concentrate your supplies, and your forces, and by a prompt, vigorous and gallant movement surprise and beat Powell and his clan . . . with the force you have, with the Indians united you can make a dash upon Powell and destroy him . . . and all will surrender, and if they do not, you can . . . drive them into the Peninsula and clear the St. Johns, and the whole country in your rear of Indians and negros . . . you must with the Tennesseans and your other force attack and destroy Powell and take your position on the Withlacoochie river . . .'' On the verso of this letter, General Call wrote, ''From Genl Jackson, written on a subject of which he was totally uninformed, and assumes as facts that which did not exist, and as practicable, that which was totally impracticable.''
Box Description
Folder Description
Andrew Jackson letters (photocopies), 1812-1842, 20 pp. (containing 22 letters), as published in The Collector: A Magazine for Autograph and Historical Collectors, between 1901 and 1908. Jackson wrote the letters to Richard K. Call from Washington, D.C. or from Nashville or the Hermitage, Tennessee. They concern personal and family matters as well as public affairs and figures, national politics and government, Florida events, military events, and other matters. The letters were apparently sold to The Collector editor Walter R. Benjamin by Ellen Call Long in 1900 or 1901 (see letters dated July 28, 1900 and October 10, 1900, Benjamin to Long, Box 1, Folder 15, Items 3 and 4). (From U.N.C. #2293-B)
Image URL
Chicago Manual of Style
CALL FAMILY PAPERS (continued) - Box: 5 Folder: 5 Item: 19. . State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/180856>, accessed 4 March 2025.
CALL FAMILY PAPERS (continued) - Box: 5 Folder: 5 Item: 19. . State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 4 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/180856>
AP Style Photo Citation