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CALL FAMILY PAPERS (continued) - Box: 5 Folder: 5 Item: 4
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Item Description
Letter, September 9, 1819, from Hermitage, published April 1902, concerning Call's involvement in his friend Major Eaton's approaching duel, urging him to require use of pistols and not rifles or muskets: ''These are not the weapons of gentlemen. . . Charge your friend to preserve his fire -- to keep his teeth firmly clenched, and his fingers in a position that if fired on and hit, his fire may not be extorted. . . charge your friend to preserve his fire until he shoots his antagonist through the brain, for if he fires and does not kill his antagonist, he leaves himself fully in his power. Have every rule written down and signed . . . The attack upon Major Eaton, was in the first place wanton . . . [his accuser] shows a meanness and cowardice . . . that induces me to believe that he will not fight. It may be -- he may rather select me . . . if my pistol fires, I kill him.''
Box Description
Folder Description
Andrew Jackson letters (photocopies), 1812-1842, 20 pp. (containing 22 letters), as published in The Collector: A Magazine for Autograph and Historical Collectors, between 1901 and 1908. Jackson wrote the letters to Richard K. Call from Washington, D.C. or from Nashville or the Hermitage, Tennessee. They concern personal and family matters as well as public affairs and figures, national politics and government, Florida events, military events, and other matters. The letters were apparently sold to The Collector editor Walter R. Benjamin by Ellen Call Long in 1900 or 1901 (see letters dated July 28, 1900 and October 10, 1900, Benjamin to Long, Box 1, Folder 15, Items 3 and 4). (From U.N.C. #2293-B)
CALL FAMILY PAPERS (continued) - Box: 5 Folder: 5 Item: 4
Letter, September 9, 1819, from Hermitage, published April 1902, concerning Call's involvement in his friend Major Eaton's approaching duel, urging him to require use of pistols and not rifles or muskets: ''These are not the weapons of gentlemen. . . Charge your friend to preserve his fire -- to keep his teeth firmly clenched, and his fingers in a position that if fired on and hit, his fire may not be extorted. . . charge your friend to preserve his fire until he shoots his antagonist through the brain, for if he fires and does not kill his antagonist, he leaves himself fully in his power. Have every rule written down and signed . . . The attack upon Major Eaton, was in the first place wanton . . . [his accuser] shows a meanness and cowardice . . . that induces me to believe that he will not fight. It may be -- he may rather select me . . . if my pistol fires, I kill him.''
Box Description
Folder Description
Andrew Jackson letters (photocopies), 1812-1842, 20 pp. (containing 22 letters), as published in The Collector: A Magazine for Autograph and Historical Collectors, between 1901 and 1908. Jackson wrote the letters to Richard K. Call from Washington, D.C. or from Nashville or the Hermitage, Tennessee. They concern personal and family matters as well as public affairs and figures, national politics and government, Florida events, military events, and other matters. The letters were apparently sold to The Collector editor Walter R. Benjamin by Ellen Call Long in 1900 or 1901 (see letters dated July 28, 1900 and October 10, 1900, Benjamin to Long, Box 1, Folder 15, Items 3 and 4). (From U.N.C. #2293-B)
Image URL
Chicago Manual of Style
CALL FAMILY PAPERS (continued) - Box: 5 Folder: 5 Item: 4. . State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/181304>, accessed 9 March 2025.
CALL FAMILY PAPERS (continued) - Box: 5 Folder: 5 Item: 4. . State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 9 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/181304>
AP Style Photo Citation