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[page 11]
The United States Public Health Service now requires
disinfection of all airplanes by repeated sprayings, immunization of pilots
and personnel, recording the temperatures of passengers before they
leave South America, and strict surveillance en route to sections of
Florida where mosquitoes are prevalent. (14)
Dengue fever, a painful but rarely fatal tropical ailment, is carried
by the same mosquitoes that spread yellow fever. Remembering a
dengue epidemic of 1934 which claimed 15,000 victims in 70 Florida
cities and towns, health authorities are keenly watchful in their efforts to
exclude all disease-carrying insects from the State.(15)
Mosquito-control measures have recently been expanded under
the direction of the United States Public Health Services and the Florida
State board of health, with the assistance of municipal boards of health
and the Work Projects Administration. A research laboratory has been
set up at Miami. Reports are sent there from all parts of the world where
yellow fever or other serious ailments are prevalent, and a strict watch is
kept upon ships and planes arriving from those areas.
Through agents at Florida seaports, health authorities are
informed of the arrival of automobiles shipped from foreign countries,
and these machines are thoroughly sprayed with the same chemicals used
to disinfect airplanes. (16)
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Chicago Manual of Style
Yellow Jack. 1941. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/181551>, accessed 13 March 2025.
Yellow Jack. 1941. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/181551>
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