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State Library of Florida, Florida Collection, BR0055
Side one: political campaign for Catts -- ''Catts men must have one man. ... If Texas had a Hogg for Governor why can't Florida have a Catt for Governor? Register Mr. Voter--kill the rats--Pay your poll tax and vote for Catts.''
1916 (circa)
Geographic Term
To the Friends and Supporters of CATTS
1.You want to be sure to pay all poll taxes and register so that you can vote for Catts in 1916.
2.You want to influence every voter in the State who loves his country and hates Catholic control
of American politics, to vote for Catts.
3.The wives, mothers and sisters of the State who cannot vote, but whose influence is so great,
want to get busy for Catts, for they are a great and silent power - God bless our women and our homes,
Sisters help Catts out in his heroic race.
4.The friends of Catts want to know that in four or more counties in the state there is danger of
Catts being counted out at the poles. We must not allow a single vote Cast for Him Not to Be
Counted, or counted for some other candidate. The law allows three watchers at every voting precinct
and the
Catts men must have one man
at every voting place in Florida, to see that Catts gets every vote cast for him.
This is necessary, do it sure
What is this Cat Mewing for?
To be Governor of Florida
Put [fold of paper] Scratch for the
Common People
If Texas has a Hogg for Governor why can't
Florida have a Catt for Governor?
Register Mr. Voter--Kill the Rats--
Pay Your Poll Tax and Vote for Catts
Peninsular Printing, Co.
1.You want to be sure to pay all poll taxes and register so that you can vote for Catts in 1916.
2.You want to influence every voter in the State who loves his country and hates Catholic control
of American politics, to vote for Catts.
3.The wives, mothers and sisters of the State who cannot vote, but whose influence is so great,
want to get busy for Catts, for they are a great and silent power - God bless our women and our homes,
Sisters help Catts out in his heroic race.
4.The friends of Catts want to know that in four or more counties in the state there is danger of
Catts being counted out at the poles. We must not allow a single vote Cast for Him Not to Be
Counted, or counted for some other candidate. The law allows three watchers at every voting precinct
and the
Catts men must have one man
at every voting place in Florida, to see that Catts gets every vote cast for him.
This is necessary, do it sure
What is this Cat Mewing for?
To be Governor of Florida
Put [fold of paper] Scratch for the
Common People
If Texas has a Hogg for Governor why can't
Florida have a Catt for Governor?
Register Mr. Voter--Kill the Rats--
Pay Your Poll Tax and Vote for Catts
Peninsular Printing, Co.
Campaign Flier for Sidney J. Catts, 1916
Political candidates
Side one: political campaign for Catts -- ''Catts men must have one man. ... If Texas had a Hogg for Governor why can't Florida have a Catt for Governor? Register Mr. Voter--kill the rats--Pay your poll tax and vote for Catts.''
State Library of Florida, Florida Collection, BR0055
1916 (circa)
fliers (printed matter)
Florida Boom and Progressive Era (1900-1926)
Geographic Term
Display Date
ca. 1916
Politics and Government
Subject - Person
Catts, Sidney Johnston, 1863-1936
To the Friends and Supporters of CATTS
1.You want to be sure to pay all poll taxes and register so that you can vote for Catts in 1916.
2.You want to influence every voter in the State who loves his country and hates Catholic control
of American politics, to vote for Catts.
3.The wives, mothers and sisters of the State who cannot vote, but whose influence is so great,
want to get busy for Catts, for they are a great and silent power - God bless our women and our homes,
Sisters help Catts out in his heroic race.
4.The friends of Catts want to know that in four or more counties in the state there is danger of
Catts being counted out at the poles. We must not allow a single vote Cast for Him Not to Be
Counted, or counted for some other candidate. The law allows three watchers at every voting precinct
and the
Catts men must have one man
at every voting place in Florida, to see that Catts gets every vote cast for him.
This is necessary, do it sure
What is this Cat Mewing for?
To be Governor of Florida
Put [fold of paper] Scratch for the
Common People
If Texas has a Hogg for Governor why can't
Florida have a Catt for Governor?
Register Mr. Voter--Kill the Rats--
Pay Your Poll Tax and Vote for Catts
Peninsular Printing, Co.
1.You want to be sure to pay all poll taxes and register so that you can vote for Catts in 1916.
2.You want to influence every voter in the State who loves his country and hates Catholic control
of American politics, to vote for Catts.
3.The wives, mothers and sisters of the State who cannot vote, but whose influence is so great,
want to get busy for Catts, for they are a great and silent power - God bless our women and our homes,
Sisters help Catts out in his heroic race.
4.The friends of Catts want to know that in four or more counties in the state there is danger of
Catts being counted out at the poles. We must not allow a single vote Cast for Him Not to Be
Counted, or counted for some other candidate. The law allows three watchers at every voting precinct
and the
Catts men must have one man
at every voting place in Florida, to see that Catts gets every vote cast for him.
This is necessary, do it sure
What is this Cat Mewing for?
To be Governor of Florida
Put [fold of paper] Scratch for the
Common People
If Texas has a Hogg for Governor why can't
Florida have a Catt for Governor?
Register Mr. Voter--Kill the Rats--
Pay Your Poll Tax and Vote for Catts
Peninsular Printing, Co.
[left column]
Sidney J. Catts
of DeFuniak Springs Florida
The People's
Candidate for
Governor of the
State of Florida
Subject to the Democratic Primary
The Catt,
The Catholics and
Whiskey Men
Are Fighting
Mr. Catts will speak at
To-night at [blank] o'clock on
the issues here stated. Ladies,
gentlemen and children are invited
to be present. Especially the
Democratic voters of the State
are requested to hear him
[right column]
A [tear] of Alabama but loves his adopted state - Florida and will
use his best endeavors for her betterment.
He is a Baptist preacher a Woodman of the World, a Knight of Pythia
and a Mason. He is also Chaplain of the First Florida Brigade of United
Confederate Veterans, with the rank of Major. Mr. Catts is also State
Manager of the Home's Friend, of Athens, Ga., He has been compared
in his oratory to Wm. L. Yancey, who stirred the South to fury in 1858 to
1860; in his power to sway men by his eloquence, to Henry Ward Beecher
at Plymouth, England, and in his power to charm by the beauty of his
language, to the golden-tongued Frank F. Ellis, of Baltimore. Be sure
you hear him speak during the campaign. Mr. Catts comes before the
people of Florida on the following platform which he will present to the
people of Florida alike, and live up to if elected:
1 - Economy in all parts of the State Government so that the
taxes of the people can be lowered constantly.
2 - Equalization of Taxation, so that the large corporations shall pay
a juster [sic] proportion of taxation.
3 - To help the county, village and town schools in every way possible-
by extending their terms, giving more money to them, giving better teachers
and in every way possible supporting and strengthening them. Dry these
schools up and you dry up the tides of the nation's power. Build them up
and you build the nation up.
4 - Nothing in Florida above the Nation's flag. As Roman Catholicism
puts her allegiance to the Pope above the flag. Mr. Catts stands against her
invasion of the State of Florida in her politics. As Roman Catholicism
opposes our public school system, Mr. Catts opposes Roman Catholicism in
the State of Florida in the realm of education. As Roman Catholicism
believes in the celibacy of the priesthood and the confessional, Mr. Catts
stands squarely against them, and is ready to fight from the State of Florida
this great menace to the peace of home, the maintenance of our public
schools, and the enjoyment of quiet religion at all hazards.
5 - [tear] awake, vigilant and watchful in everything else that will
make for Florida's good.
6 - Longer Pensions for the Old Soldiers
7 - Against the Gunboat over our Fishermen.
8 - In favor of Prohibition.
Sidney J. Catts
of DeFuniak Springs Florida
The People's
Candidate for
Governor of the
State of Florida
Subject to the Democratic Primary
The Catt,
The Catholics and
Whiskey Men
Are Fighting
Mr. Catts will speak at
To-night at [blank] o'clock on
the issues here stated. Ladies,
gentlemen and children are invited
to be present. Especially the
Democratic voters of the State
are requested to hear him
[right column]
A [tear] of Alabama but loves his adopted state - Florida and will
use his best endeavors for her betterment.
He is a Baptist preacher a Woodman of the World, a Knight of Pythia
and a Mason. He is also Chaplain of the First Florida Brigade of United
Confederate Veterans, with the rank of Major. Mr. Catts is also State
Manager of the Home's Friend, of Athens, Ga., He has been compared
in his oratory to Wm. L. Yancey, who stirred the South to fury in 1858 to
1860; in his power to sway men by his eloquence, to Henry Ward Beecher
at Plymouth, England, and in his power to charm by the beauty of his
language, to the golden-tongued Frank F. Ellis, of Baltimore. Be sure
you hear him speak during the campaign. Mr. Catts comes before the
people of Florida on the following platform which he will present to the
people of Florida alike, and live up to if elected:
1 - Economy in all parts of the State Government so that the
taxes of the people can be lowered constantly.
2 - Equalization of Taxation, so that the large corporations shall pay
a juster [sic] proportion of taxation.
3 - To help the county, village and town schools in every way possible-
by extending their terms, giving more money to them, giving better teachers
and in every way possible supporting and strengthening them. Dry these
schools up and you dry up the tides of the nation's power. Build them up
and you build the nation up.
4 - Nothing in Florida above the Nation's flag. As Roman Catholicism
puts her allegiance to the Pope above the flag. Mr. Catts stands against her
invasion of the State of Florida in her politics. As Roman Catholicism
opposes our public school system, Mr. Catts opposes Roman Catholicism in
the State of Florida in the realm of education. As Roman Catholicism
believes in the celibacy of the priesthood and the confessional, Mr. Catts
stands squarely against them, and is ready to fight from the State of Florida
this great menace to the peace of home, the maintenance of our public
schools, and the enjoyment of quiet religion at all hazards.
5 - [tear] awake, vigilant and watchful in everything else that will
make for Florida's good.
6 - Longer Pensions for the Old Soldiers
7 - Against the Gunboat over our Fishermen.
8 - In favor of Prohibition.
Chicago Manual of Style
Campaign Flier for Sidney J. Catts, 1916. 1916 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212322>, accessed 13 March 2025.
Campaign Flier for Sidney J. Catts, 1916. 1916 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/212322>
AP Style Photo Citation