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Contract Between Robert Gamble Jr. & Casey Kennedy, Frisbee Rice, et.al.
Rice, Frisbee
Hall, Harry
Dorsey, Neptune
Sutton, London
Chambers, R.
Chambers, Edward
Sprague, Hester
Kennedy, Sam
King, Polly
Williams, Phillip
Corwehis, William
Taylor, Braxton
Cole, Nathan
Weltus, Henry
Cole, Harriet
Taylor, Kate
Smith, Washington
Cole, Sophia
Cole, Harrison
Cole, Tucker
Cole, Anthony
Date of Contract
Land Worked
the interest of the plantation, or enabling him to pass from point to point. We, who are parents, or have to control of minors, who are labourers on the plantation, bind ourselves to enforce the obedience and service of such minors. We agree that if any full hand shall for any cause other than sickness be absent from work on the plantation, he, or she, shall forfeit one dollar, and, if on the plea of sickness, fifty cents for each day thus lost to the labour of the year, and a proportionate amount to every inferior hand so offending, which penalties will form a fund, to be divided between the contracting parties; and we agree, that for any neglect of the above duties, or failure to comply with the above pledges, the said R. Gamble has the right to dismiss the party so offending with forfeiture of all claims which he or she may have had, under this contract [last part of that sentence crossed out; replacement text written between the lines: so much of what may be due him or her as a board of arbitration shall determine], and may at his option put another in his or her place. On his past, the said Robert Gamble Jr. binds himself to furnish the land for cultivation , to furnish and feed one mule, for every two full hands, to furnish all the necessary tools, bearings half the expense of repairing all tools and to allow to the labourers one half of all crops made on the plantation, reserving one third of the cane for seed. The said Gamble to determine the land which is to be planted in any crop, and the quantity of each crop which is to be cultivated by each hand. Casey Kenedy’s Company Casey Kenedy [his x mark] [seal] Frisbee Rice [his x mark] [seal] Harry Hall [his x mark] [seal] Neptune Dorsey [his x mark] [seal] London Sutton [his x mark] [seal] R. Chambers [his x mark] [seal] Edward Chambers [his x mark] [seal] Hester Sprague [her x mark] [seal] Sam Kenedy [his x mark] [seal] Polly King [her x mark] [seal] Phillip Williams [his x mark] [seal] William Corwehis [his x mark] [seal] Witness for Casey Company Anthony Cole Witness W.M. Feddeman [?] Robert Gamble Jr. [seal] As to paying expense of tools R. Gamble Jr. binds himself to do what Mr. Thomas does in that particular, it is alleged that Mr. Thomas agreed to pay all blacksmithing bills.
Geographic Term
Chicago Manual of Style
Gamble, Robert Jr. Contract Between Robert Gamble Jr. & Casey Kennedy, Frisbee Rice, et.al. 1867-01-18. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/269162>, accessed 14 March 2025.
Gamble, Robert Jr. Contract Between Robert Gamble Jr. & Casey Kennedy, Frisbee Rice, et.al. 1867-01-18. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/269162>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Gamble)