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Contract Between George Noble Jones & Sylvestor McIntosh, Harry Hall, et.al.
Date of Contract
Land Worked
2nd - to put under good fence the land that may be cultivated. 3rd - after paying to the first party the rent aforesaid then to pay to the first party out of the crops which may be raised on land aforesaid all advances made by the first party to the second party whether in provisions, mules, money or other articles which the said first party may deliver to the members of the second party jointly or severally. 4th - at the end of the lease aforesaid, the second party agrees without further notice quietly to give up the possession of said land to the said first party or to his legal representatives, it being further understood that the first party or his legal representatives may at all times during the said lease enter upon said land or any part thereof for an lawful purpose whatever. 5th - to conduct themselves with propriety and to require all associated with them to do likewise. 6th - finally to secure to the first party the faithful performance of the foregoing covenants & agreements by the second party, the latter hereby convey by the way of mortgage to the former all crops planted or to be planted, gathered or to be gathered on the said land during the lease aforesaid, whenever said second party shall have complied with the terms & conditions of this contract. And if the said crops should not be sufficient to pay for the rents & advances aforesaid, then the second party jointly & severally agree to work & labour for the first party at reasonable wages until their liabilities to the first party shall have been discharged. In witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands & seals the day & year first aforesaid G. Noble Jones [witnesses] G. Fenwick Jones, Wallace S. Jones Sylvester McIntosh [ his X mark] Harry Hall [ his X mark] Madison Ames [ his X mark] Cain McIntosh [ his X mark] [written sideways over contract] If the second party prefers to [detain?] the cotton [...] the said the first party will receive it at the rate of two thousand pounds of seed .. for every five hundred pounds of lint rather as stipulated in article number one. All differences arising on account of this contract are to be submitted to a Board of Arbitration composed of two reliable citizens, one selected by each party, and the agent of the B.R.F. & A.L. whose decision shall be final. By order of Col. J. T. Sprague A.B. Grunwell Bt. Capt. & A. Com, B.R.F. & A.L.
Geographic Term
Chicago Manual of Style
Jones, George Noble. Contract Between George Noble Jones & Sylvestor McIntosh, Harry Hall, et.al. 1867-01-01. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/269173>, accessed 16 March 2025.
Jones, George Noble. Contract Between George Noble Jones & Sylvestor McIntosh, Harry Hall, et.al. 1867-01-01. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 16 Mar. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/269173>
AP Style Photo Citation
(State Archives of Florida/Jones)